Sex request for information!?

I was just wondering what happen when you lose you virginity. I'm just wondering, so if you could help that would be great!!

Is this conventional??

it usually hurts because it's breaking a piece of skin call the hymen AND stretching out the vagina all at the same time. some women bleed a touch and some don't. either way it DOES hurt! and something DOES changeover about you! that's why it's very vital that you make sure your first time is with the right being. you don't want to have ANY regrets!

I'm on topamax and necessitate to know what birth control I can whip?

What do you mean, by "what happen?"

You hurt, you get pregnant, you get STD's, you wonder why the guy who acted so nice to you, immediately ignores you after you had sex near him, you feel guilty, you feel great, blah blah blah.

There are a million variation. You have to be more specific what exactly what you mean.

Does Bulimia really effect internal bleeding?

rofl! i agree beside you 'grow gills and webbed feet'. although one of my friends also got a tail...

totally joking if you didn't realize it. but i bet you did. rofl. anyway, i deem you're too young to know if you're asking this. that's what sex-ed is for in 4th and 5th level.

alright, so basically, you just lose it. when a guy enter you, there's a tissue there called the hymen. as he go in, it stretches and rips, so yes, it will hurt. not all women bleed, but most do. it's roughly accepted that your virginity is lost when this tissue is ripped. There are tales that you can rupture it yourself with a tampon or other ...things. these are all untrue.

that's pretty much it. there's a great deal more, but that's all you need to know for presently. if you have more questions, you could try going to i reflect on might have age-appropriate answers.

Is this lately puberty??

You bleed and it can hurt. You may have mood of shame or guilt. Use your head not peer pressure or emotions to product that descision. Don't get pushed into it. Girls that put out are not always the one's that command the most respect or attention. Remember nation wan't what they can't have. Make sure you are good and geared up. Losing your viriginity can be very emotional and even tragic if it is done merely because of shallow reasons. Use your head please. Hugs

BoObS PrObLeM!?

so, when u lose ur virginty a skin flap inside your vagina, rips, this is call a hymen. Other than that it is the knowing that u are not a virgin. Some people also belive it is the memory of the penis against or in the vagina, that make u a non virgin.

GUYS: Do you resembling girls near: big boobs, big butt, shaved (arms,legs,private), and skinny or not?

You grow gills and webbed feet. What happens? Nothing. Nothing physically change and you don't mature automatically. If you think something "happens" you are bearing too young to even THINK about have sex.

Could I hold something else besides a UTI?

Like... right after?? Or long term effects?? I don't get what you're asking.

Right after you do it for the first time it concerned of hurts and you'll probably bleed a bit. It's gross yeah...

Otherwise... nothing happens. You own sex. End of story.

First daylight of second extent be feb. 27th. Ultrasound today, April 22, said 5 weeks 1 year, does that nouns right

You lay there and think "That be it?!" Nothing happens afterward, sweetie...and if it's like my first time, nil really occurred during it..haha..

Am I run of the mill?

absolutley nothing. if you own ever used tampons you probably will not bleed... and it doesnt hurt that bad... use lube and you will be fine... really it shouldnt hurt if you use lube!

Ok you know if..??

it hurts and it bleeds. if it dosent hurt or bleeds it means that you loose your virginity by playing sports close to horse back riding.

Vagina dry-clean...i necessitate minister to?

nothing. really. I don`t know you will break your hymen, and that bleeds a little, but honest it is probably broken alerady from life.

What do you assume is the right age to start wearing tampons?

nought realy happens, just you enjoy experienced something more.

Period.. .. . . .. . . .?

nothing happens you simply won't be a virgin anymore

Is white REALLY gluey discharge majority?

i'm not gonna lie... it hurts!! lol.. you migh't bleed a little bit.. but after the first time you'll be okay.. it'll "un-tighten" your muscles.. you'll be okay tho

I'm doing a vigour project something like strength myths.?

If you do not know the answer to this, afterwards you are not mature enough to be have sex!!

Tell me stuff around the Vietnam memorial!! i requirement it asap!! plez and gratitude!!?

Some girls feel the pain, some dont... it does bleed, but nothin serious. its section o your sexual life and so enjoy it...

Orgasm please relief?

Well, at first you hold it, then you don't.

That's all.

I am 50 yr older womanly married but hold lost intrest contained by sex can i steal anything to find wager on into swing of point

newly ask a boy you like "i want to lose my virginity with you!" he probably will want to too.

What will be my height above sea level??

Well you bleed and it hurts


What do you scrounging what happens?
you just lose your virginity!
are you asking does it hurt??

I involve to know if my clit can gain its sensitivity hindmost?

Well adjectives my boys said I was ''THE MAN'' LoL

Irregular bleeding contained by between period?

Omg! when it rain it pours and i don't no what to do!?
When are the most fertile days for women so as to avoid sex surrounded by those days.?
I havent have my extent however?
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