Period..Plz support me!??!?!? girls?

ok, so a few months ago, i got a big brown blotch in my underwear, and consequently the next month i didnt get it, and consequently this month, on the 17th, i got it again. Is it poop...or what? and then resembling 3 days later, i had to dance to the bathroom, and then wen i wiped, here was blood on the toilet paper.and yesterday, i wore a wad to skool just in crust, and it felt wet genus of, so i went to the bathroom, and there be a TINY bit of red/brown stuff. and then there be also, yellowish stuff. what is going on?? also there it is itchy and red and alittle dry down there. im terrified to tell my mom, and i rele want to, but i dont think i can. what wud begin if i just leave it? also, how can i verbs "down there" out? my mom makes it so uncomfortable and i can`t bear it. what shud it do?! what is going on with my body!??!?!? thnx!

OK so I'm somewhat worried?

Its tough to answer this question minus knowing how old you are. Also, are you sexually active? Its completely common for women to have vaginal discharge and "spotting" between periods, but the glow and itchiness is not usually normal. It could be a number of things; possibly a yeast infection. is the discharge gelatinous in texture (cottage cheesy)? Is there an odor? If you are sexually live and have had unprotected sex, it is entirely possible that you may own contracted an STD like chlamydia or HPV (human papilloma virus). Either way, you really should speak about your mom, but if you are afraid to talk to her, at least speak to your school nurse. Dont be embarassed; it happens to alot of nation. The important thing is that you go and get treatment for whatever the problem is before it cause more serious problems for you!! Check out the websites I've listed below and see if you can spot your symptoms to help you determine whats going on.. Good luck sweetie!!

Still Confused?

It might not be anything more than an irregular cycle, but even that can be a symptom of something more serious. Especially when accompany by itching or discolored discharge. Get it checked out by a doctor. Depending on your age, you may not need to involve your mom, call the local robustness department and check on that. It's always best to be proactive with your robustness, maybe your mom will surprise you?

Sex grill for women...?

It sounds like somebody have an infection. Talk to your mother about it, she has to transport you to the OBGYN as soon as possible because this sounds serious. GOOD LUCK!

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if you cant talk to your mom about it sermon to your grandma or an older sister or someone you trust. you need to travel to the doctor..

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  • Is it run of the mill for your first spell to solely concluding 3 days?
  • Do I own a yeast infection? Can I cure it in need going to the doctor?

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