Questions for first length.

I had my period starting on the 4th, 5th, and 6th. But afterwards all of a sudden it quit? Is this normal to it human being this short. It was my first period too. Also, it be a veryyyy DARK brown. Is that normal? please help. If you enjoy any extra info to help me out that would be great. Oh and i already use tampons : D so i'm proud.

Answers:    Yes that is in recent times normal. The first discharge of blood usually is of that color. Don't worry something like the time frame. 3 days is normal. Just take make a note of when you had it last and when the subsequent period will start. It's yet to be confirmed what your commonplace cycle will be so just take make a note of. Congratulations and welcome to womanhood!.
yes its very mundane first periods are very in-regular the are not usual approaching most periods its because your cycle needs to develop a proper calendar i would saw and i think the dark brown is because you use tampons i miserable I'm not trying to be nasty but its basically adjectives the dried up blood your seeing hope i helped. Dat's alrite, Do not worry around that. Dat was ur first time and thus it happens surrounded by d beginning for d cycle to properly and regularly happen!
It will b fine by the subsequent month or 2 months.
Do not worry abt d color as well.Nothing to verbs about. It was d first time!
yaah thats average. and it might not even come every month in the begining. and the colors normal too. dont verbs about it

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