Question from Health class?

is it possible for an egg to not get fertalized till say 3 or 4 months after sex?
it be asked in health my professor didnt know

Blader infection ??!!is it ? and wat to do plz facilitate?

No it's not possible. When you ovulate the egg hangs out for a few days afterwards if it doesn't become fertilized it is either shed or reabsorbed. Shortly after ovulation you have your spell and this will naturally remove the egg anyway.

Whats wrong near me?

No, after about a week adjectives the sperm are flushed out of the vag (clear discharge, or period) so they cant fertilize an egg. so worried...?

no. the egg dies after max 30 days out side the ovary with out becoming a baby - which is single possible if ur vagina had come into contact with sperm

Smelly vagina?

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Do you own a bleak immune system?
Is this run of the mill?
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