Qs give or take a few hormones surrounded by the pill? ?

I was reading a post about the pill contraceptive, and a poster seem very informative, but it left me next to more questions. She said this:

<It is the progestrogen that can help, but simply if it isn't an androgenic progestrogen. Desogestrel is a good one, which is found in Marvelon, Mercilon and Cerazette (pop) and Yasmin have another progestogen which can help.
So, ask for a low dose pill with an anti-androgenic progestogen.<<

It departed me wondering what androgenic progesterone is? Aren't androgens males hormones? Why would they put those in the pill? Do some Pills give you more feminine hormones than others?

Naturally in the body, is it oestrogen that gives you the feminine features?

The original question be about about avoiding body fleece growth with the pill, so why would progesterone help to stop manly hair growth (hirsutism)?

I'm just curious as I don't hold a hair problem but I'm interested in the hormones.

I know the mini pill lately contains progesterone and the other pill also contains oestrogen.

Answers:    Hiya, that answer was from me.

Ok I know all this after years of research and trying different pills as I enjoy PCOS.

Yes, androgens are "male" hormones, but women produce them too, but in a lower amount. When a pill has a difficult androgen activity (from certain progestogens such as levenorgestrel) it can effect issues with women who are sensitive to the androgens, for instance PCOS women make too much androgen which cause acne, weight problems and excess hair OR male-pattern baldness. Therefore, if your unprocessed hormonal balance is lower in oestrogen but greater in progestogen, a pill with the progestogens Desogestrel or Drospirenone can be far more valuable. However, if you naturally produce more oestrogen (in which case you probably own constant bleeding, tender breasts and headaches/migraines) then a higher does of pregestogen (particularly and androgenic one such a Levenorgestrel found contained by the Depo-provera injection) is more suitable.

This site is American but is quite helpful at explaining what I've written surrounded by terms of undersirable effects of pills, and alternatives to take:

http://www.wdxcyber.com/ncontr13.htm - the pill brands are American version but you can find the UK verisons. E.g. Desogen is Marvelon, Diane is Dianette.

Hope this helps, message me again if you want to know more. xx.
No one seems to be answering but il say-so this...

Ive been taking the pill for 6 months now, and i hold to say it hasnt caused me too various problems

It has more plus sides
* No interuptions (if u get me lol)
* U know the exact year of your period/ it works like clockwork
* It can shorten your period mines onli 3 days presently
*Its safer then condoms
* Its free
* u can skip your period

Bad sides
* sore boobs
* Maybe spotting if your trying to skip interval for the first time

Also i know many girls on the pill, none of us have ever suffered from any body curls since taking the pill, maybe the male hormones and feminine hormoes counter balance each other??

This probs didnt abet at all but ...


When i first went on the pill at 16 (dianette), I be a DD Cup bra.. im now struggling to stay in my G cup..

I'd enunciate this is to do with hormones?
ve had to come sour it now mind, cause i go up 3 cup sizes in 6months and thats obviously not right.

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