Problems next to my length and other girl things! Please help out!

Alright so i am 12 and i started (for the first time) a little less than a month ago. I know my spell is about to come but i am a little worried that it will come on the first morning of school (August 20). I was also wondering when it be normal to start going to obgyn, i mean resembling what age and what do they do when you go to see them?
And i just call for tips on period things and puberty and stuff (sorry, i hate that word too)
Thank you so much. Your give support to is appreicated!

Answers:    im twelve too but started when i was 11 1/2. you dont really go to an ob-gyn until your 18 or umm pregnant or have sex. i have that same problem! except i start on august 14th. well im hoping i find it the day before, but within case i dont im wearing a pad to institution. im actually due for the 12 (today) but mine isnt regular yet. and fyi it become regular after one or 2 years of having it. oh joy :P.
sometimes you might bring back REALLY bad cramps, and if that happens place a thaw out water bottle on your stomach after taking an ibuprofen.
if you dont already carry a purse, carrying a purse once a month will look grotesque and it will tip people off. so fetch pads in your binder while your at conservatory. like a pencil pouch or pocket in the binder.
tampons are not advisable to try until your used to your interval (like me).
wipes are something you'll definetly something youll want to keep verbs down there.
black underwear and black p.j. bottoms are two things you'll want to have. b/c most imagined it will leak. it still does for me. and blood doesnt wash out too slickly. at least if its black you wont see it anyway.
umm add me and we can probably have a chat more if you want..
I was 12 when i started to. I'm nearly 14 now. I be due to come on on the first day of school once as powerfully. It does worry you i know but just sort sure you wear a pad or a tampon when your due to come on in casing you have an accident. I wouldn't have thought you would come on on the exact date if this would be your 2nd period. I've had masses accidents and yeah its embarrassing i know but sometimes you freshly gotta get on with it. I basically tie my jumper round my waist. I get really desperate period pains and sometimes they make me discern sick but you might be lucky enough not to get length pains like some of my friends. I'm sorry but i don't know what a gyno is. Ok, first if you're concerned about starting your time on the first day of school, wear a panty liner to avoid crushing leaks should it actually take place.

Next, you won't need to see a gynecologist until you're sexually active, turn 18, or are have a lot of menstrual problems. There's not great mystery involved in gynecology; it's merely a check up to make sure that all your womanly parts are working right.

Finally, check out and for all sorts of information about puberty, menstruation and that sort of piece. And DO speak to your mother. She's been there and know what's going on. Barring that, speak to the school nurse, or the mother of a close friend..
You should be prepared for your period on the first daytime of school if you think you are going to start. Wear a panty liner and thieve a pad to school.
You usually don't see a Gynocologist until around 17 or 18 unless you are sexually stirring or are having very chunky periods. If you have tosee a gyn, ask your mom what to expect. She have been through it very regularly. You are only 12 so don't worry roughly speaking it now. I went for my first pelvic exam/pap smear at age 11. I'm 34 very soon. You should go PRIOR to having sex or if you own period issues.

Being Girl is a good website to check out.

Pick your mom's brain, she go through the same thing you are going through very soon.
You should really talk to your mom about these things. She's the best party to talk to. She knows. you should ask ur mom almost all of these things. she knows adjectives about it.

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