Premature menopause?

Hey, I'm 20 years old and I feel close to I'm experiencing menopause. I've been having horrible hot flashes for a few months very soon, my menstrual cycle has ALWAYS been irregular, I'm terribly irritable, vaginal dryness, dry eyes, dry mouth, dry patches of skin, breast tenderness, frequent urination, sometimes my period are heavier than usual or lighter that usual. Right now, I have horrible hot flashes and I discern like I'm supposed to be getting my period but it hasn't come at adjectives.

Just some more info. My WBC count was slightly elevated in december (10.9), my AGA level for celiac were elevated, I haven't had an endoscopy done because I'm paranoid roughly speaking sterilization, my blood pressure once was 108, then 98, later it went back up to 142. My doctor, who's also a geneticist, diagnosed me beside ehlers danlos syndrome (classical type). Which is a rare connective tissue disorder. I also have gastrointestinal symptoms, muscle ache, joint pain, brain fog. About 90 or more symptoms. I can't even signature

Can I drink tonight? - I took some motrin ahead of time for menstruation.?

I really don't know the answer to this, but I do suggest that if you're unhappy with your doctor's approach to things, you get an appointment and tell them this. Tell them your concerns and work out a plan with them for your condition. If this still doesn't work, consider switching doctors.

Stunted Growth?

Birth control examine, please comfort!!?
If a personality is 44 and is 170 pounds and requirements to lose immensity utter give or take a few 30 ibs , next to weights .?
Why do i lose control of my bladder when i am on my extent. i own cerebal palsy?
  • Could this rationale internal bleeding?
  • WORRiED!? :(?

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