Pregnancy signs but not pregnant?
has this happened to anyone else? I've taken some preggie pops and they seem to be to help the sick feeling but I know I cant be pregnant.
I am a guy near gynecomastia (male breasts). I enjoy C-cup breasts. Should I wear a bra?
It could patently be something serious and would require a full workup to get to the bottom of the complex array of symptoms you are reporting. I would change doctors if they brush you past its sell-by date. I am not saying it is this, but I'm thinking it could possibly be a pituitary tumor (e.g., prolactinoma, Cushing's) or polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS).I would approaching to know what this is doing to my body please?
Baldness surrounded by women.?
Excusme!, umm is it okay if i insert a tampon, even though i dont own my spell!?
Im on my term what should i do?