Possible vaginal infection??

At first I had green discharge and I had no model what it was Then after awhile I had a sort of unthinking that stung a little. I was going to shift to the doc after that but a couple days later I had my term and the symptoms all stopped. A couple days after my period they come back again. Now it burns a little. It have been about a month since i first saw the green discharge. I deliberate its trichomonias but thats a sexualy transmited infection and the weird thing is that I havent have any sexual contact. I know I should go see a doctor but being simply 15 i have no clue how to tell my mom that i may hold an infection caused by sex. So please if anyone knows that it may be something else please consent to me know. =]

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Different Types of Discharge:

White: Thick, white discharge is common at the beginning and wrap up of your cycle. Normal white discharge is not accompanied by itching. If itching is present, thick white discharge can indicate a yeast infection.

Clear and stretchy: This is "fertile" mucous and technique you are ovulating.

Clear and watery: This occurs at different times of your cycle and can be remarkably heavy after exercising.

Yellow or Green: May indicate an infection, especially if thick or clumpy approaching cottage cheese or has a foul odor.

Brown: May happen right after period, and is just "cleaning out" your vagina. Old blood looks brown.

Different types of infections:

Signs of yeast infections:
White, cottage cheese-like discharge
Swelling and pain around the vulva
Intense itching

Signs of bacterial vaginosis:
A white, gray or yellowish vaginal discharge
A fishy odor to be precise strongest after sex or after washing with soap
Itching or burning
Slight blush and swelling of the vagina or vulva

Signs of trichomoniasis
A watery, yellowish or greenish bubbly discharge
An unpleasant odor
Pain and itching when urinating
Most apparent after your extent

Question...can you please convey me what?

If you have not had any sexual contact at adjectives, meaning NONE!, then you can NOT own an STD. You should go see a doctor just to obtain some medication. It could be a bad yeast infection, or another kind of infection. If you are really worried roughly speaking your mom knowing, then just right to be heard you don't feel well, phoney a cough, and go to the doc for that and then speak about the doc what is really up. Good luck!

I know somone beside really doomed to failure anxiety and she doest approaching taking pills...anyother channel to overcome this problem?

It's the infection you say it is, and just don't sweat describing your mother. Say that you have thrush and need to see the doctor.
Tell the doctor the unadulterated story, but not anyone else. Have the swabs done.
Then there's getting the medicine. Just hide it and hope that she doesn't ask any question, if she does, just tell her the truth.

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I have the same thing and I feel the same way... sometimes it can be effect by leaving tampons in too long, or even by reusing a dank towel... get a pap smear test

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