Please assist..Girl Problem!

This may sound stupid..but before and during my extent i get very moody. I know this is completely ordinary but i was wondering does anybody have any suggestions to minister to with this?

My boyfriend is very perception with all this but i consistency really bad about it cos i moan in the region of every little thing and i don't know how he puts up up with me. Im afraid he wont be capable of anymore!

Answers:    Just make sure that your bf knows it's freshly the hormones and not him, and that you think getting moody at daft things is silly too but you just can't relief it! .
lol looking at your answers, boys have only 'tryed' to serve..
But to be compleatly honest with you, theres nothing you can really do.. freshly to exept the fact you feel horrible, but to try and controll who you purloin it out on..
Little things will seam huge, even when you think, but it is huge, so im not exagerating it cause im 'On'.
Apologise to your boyfriend, but try not you use the word time, or somthing girly like that... it can sometimes scare them away, so try not to be too opern give or take a few it XD
Anyway, good luck.. and if you ever want to talk in the region of it talk to your mates wreak they are probs going though the same thing x x
Yes i own the answer magnesium and vit B6 and bcomplex
our bodies dont sometimes produce enough progesterone and too much estrogen this causes mood swings to win a balance of hormones you should take the b vitamins, yes valerian is worthy as it calms but dong quoi or ANGELICA is the best herb for pms
i was a mess earlier my period now i get through healthy and take supplements not chemicals and i am much peacemaker.
Yes. Essential oil of Geranium. Put three drops into every 5ml of aloe vera you use and then smear it adjectives over your stomach area once a day for the first five days of your time of year.
You will find this helps tremendously and helps agreement with cramps too. It is due to the hormones changes and mood is artificial. It is normal. Just need to relax and be more focus on things which could abet to take your mind off. A honest massage might help. .
if your taking the pill yak to your doctor, there are other contraceptives, the pill can effect you moods even more you might need a different type of cont reception he a short time ago have to be more understanding.

You also must do your best to control your moaning..
try valerian works for me its a instinctive herb calms the mind. Lock yourself in a cupboard for a week..
unify yoga clas =) dont skip breakfast if u do...

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