Please answer this sound out...!! i really have need of your aid. girls just please!?

okay today afterschool me and my boyfriend got into it..and we kinda went a moment or two more farther...weve been dating for one year and 3 months, well you know your vagina okay inside like not inside the whole but where on earth guys rub a girl, he put his penis there and he was rubbing...i hadf told him that if he feel he was going to *** to let me know to stop...

happen that he didnt notice and he ***'d and im really scared because he didnt *** inside my in one piece because he hasent put it in yet, but he ***'d where on earth guys rub inside the vagina.

is there a possibility of getting pregnant!?
if your a virgin can you still get pregnant?!

im really alarmed because i just cant imagine you know and i dont know if i am or not. im just about to die. seriously.

please help me.
thank you so much.

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you have to rob the ' morning after pills' when this happens. Thats what they are for.

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short answer- if sperm gets anywhere in the neighbourhood your vagina you can get pregnant.

please remember- if you are going to fool around, there IS the luck that you can get pregnant. You are not ready for this! Don't do the creation unless you are willing to live with the consequences!

If I own sand contained by my vagina will my body give somebody a lift trouble of it easily?

The best road not to get pregnant is not to have sex. Yes, in attendance is a possibility you can become pregnant. You shouldn't be having sex if you don't know everything yet any.

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Yes you can get pregnant because sperm were close to your vagina, You can go and get pregnant if you are a 'virgin' but just b/c the *** was close to your first night.

Womens Health Question...Its Kinda Urgent?

If he didnt wear a condom and sperm got inside, there is a virtuous chance you will get pregnant

Is in that any tablet for getting sex opinion surrounded by feminine?

Yes at hand is a slight - very slight - possibility of becoming pregnant if a boy ejaculates directly on the jaws of the vagina. Granted, the usual fluids that serve to transport the sperm are not present, but the slimmest chance is within.

It is also physically possible to become pregnant while still a virgin. The hymen is not a solid barrier and fluids pass though it glibly in either direction.

Are you pregnant? Probably not. Should you be more painstaking? Definitely. If you and your BF insist on mutual physical gratification, then consider some of the other ways where the penis is not within direct contact with your own genitalia.

Im lactating, im a virgin, and im SCARED!?

YES you can still get pregnant.

If you don't know that, you're style too young to be engaging within activities like that, no thing how long you've been together.

He won't notice because he's too into the moment to stop. That's why they homily about SAFE sex, and what you had be sex... you aren't a virgin just because he didn't penetrate, beloved.

Please be more careful. There is a chance, although not as big as if he have actually penetrated, that you are pregnant. Wash carefully, straight, and take a test within a few days. If it turns out that it's yes, please don't hide it from your family. You will necessitate help and support.

Good luck and God bless.

Girls Only!?

This is going to be a long answer.

First. Yes you can get pregnant if you are a virgin. I enjoy seen many cases of childlike girls who had sex their first time and turned out pregnant so that is not singular.

Second. I assume that by what I read he was rubbing your clitoris with his penis. You are correct this is on the actual outside of your vagina. However this does not exterminate you from pregnancy. Let me explain. Almost 70% of a males sperm is released in pre-ejaculation (or pre-cu.m). If at any point his penis was in actuality inside your vagina then it could be possible that your pregnant.

Lastly. If he simply remained on the outside of your vagina and ejaculated on the outside of your vagina consequently you would not be pregnant. Please use this though as a good reason why you should hold him wear a condom no matter what you do. At any point his penis is touching your vagina he should have a condom on to downsize risk of pregnancy.

I would honestly not worry about mortal pregnant unless you miss your period cycle and even then it is not set contained by stone that you are pregnant. I would relax. By what you described that you did I would not worry about anyone pregnant.

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