Weird sentation while peein...?

Yesterday i was fine but today when i was peein i get this weird sentation almost like a burning opinion. I felt it just when i be about done peeing and it doesnt feel every appropriate...i have a little discomfort also. And i notice a lil blood after i wiped. And i know it has zilch to do with my period bring i had it 2 weeks ago and im always regular and i cant achieve pregnant. i have my tubes tied. but im a lil worried about it and only wanted to make sure im not over seein anything or worring too much previously i call the doctor...A little help please!

Why am I getting adjectives this attention immediately, ladies?

DEFINITELY enjoy it checked out asap.

I encountered the same broad symptoms about 3 months ago (while I was on leave in a state that my insurance wasn't accepted contained by!! :[ ) and so I checked out
to try and get a sense for what was wrong next to me...
I deduced that I didn't have cancer, or any of the more worrisome options that the symptoms could indicate, and figured that I must enjoy a Urinary Tract Infection (bladder infection).

I went to go see the doctor inside a couple days of noticing the symptoms and they tested a urine sample that I give. They put me on some funny antibiotic medication that made my urine turn orange and told me to drink LOTS of cranberry juice, and I be 'fixed up' within a week! :)

UTI's aren't dangerous if treated promptly. They're pretty adjectives among women and can be caused by germs invading your urinary tract, not peeing before and after sex, or simply not peeing when you obligation to!

Hope that helps, good luck!
Go see your doc! :)

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You could own a bladder infection, especially if you notice a reduced amount of urine coming out and a need to pee immensely frequently. Go to the doctor, who can tell you if something else is wrong or prescribe antibiotics. You shouldn't worry too much if it is a bladder infection, they clear up pretty fast. Try drinking pure cranberry juice with no sugar added and see if it clears up.

My vagina is dry should use KY gel for it or other cream?

could be a UTI. You involve to see your doctor.

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