They do girls... lol?

why do girls have periods. lol
i have it in mind, what are they? how come they have it? etc lol

Sex hurts?

We were cursed

Periods hold be getting...strange?

Did you repay attention in health class? I meditate not. Perhaps you were sick that good health girls have periods because their body produces eggs once a month. This is required to become pregnant later on in existence. If the egg that comes from the fallopian tubes is not fertilized by the man's sperm (i.e. sex, ask your mom or dad about it) then the egg is unwanted and the lining of the uterus and egg is passed through the woman's reproductive system and out. This is what causes them to hold a period roughly every 28 days or so depending on the woman. If the egg is fertilized then her period will stop (in most cases) while she's pregnant. It's simply blood and the lining of the uterus being shed as it's no longer needed so a tentative egg can be released the following month for another attempt at fertilization/pregnancy. Oh as someone else pointed out, it's no laughing matter. For some women, myself included, it can be a very rough process involving terrible cramps, moodiness, bloating, migraines and general discomfort.

I antipathy period?

The facing of the uterus builds up blood and tissue that is supposed to support a growing baby. Every month an egg is relaese from the ovary, down the fallopian tube, so it can be fertalized by sperm. This happen regularly every month. If the egg isn't fertalized by the sperm then the egg does not connect to the uterine lineing. Both the lineing and the egg, are expelled out of the uterus and through the vagina. It usually takes a week or so for this to give somebody a lift place and then it starts all over again

Still no time and its be close to 4-5 months?

The blood is an insulator for the uterus. it lines it to protect the egg which will grow into a babe-in-arms. Women have their period contained by order to get rid of the mature lining and get a hot one the reason an old pool liner must be shed is because if it is left their for more then in the order of four months then it rund the risk of creating abnormal cell which in turn will not only affect the probability of the woman getting pregnant, but it will also affect the child in its developmental process causing abnormality in both brain function and physical aspects.

Random Bleeding?

Basically the period:

1) The rationale we have them is because ever month, our bodies release an egg in hopes of conceiving. After not conceiving a child, the woman's body wishes to clean itself out to start over the for next month (and take ready for a pregnancy all over again).

2) Signifies that the woman is not pregnant

Can self sick and on antibiotics, affect your cycle, even grounds u to miss a time?

Because every month we release one egg to fertilize. The blood is if truth be told fluid that would be used to feed and take strictness of the egg, but because it doesn't get fertile, our body gets rid of the nutrients (blood) that we stored because it couldn't serve a purpose.
I don't know how else to explain it.

How old-fashioned be u wen u get ur spell?

Because if you aren't pregnant, consequently your fertilzation has to clean itself out. By doing that, it must realize blood along next to it. It does it for your normal period time.

What's The BEST Anitperspirant To Keep My Armpits Dry?

Basically when you come of age the bin liner of your uterus begins to die if an egg is not fertilized by sperm. When the lining dies its in recent times blood cells which come out of your uterus.

Serious cross-examine roughly hysterectomy?

oh lordy!

Am I almost to start my time for the first time?

Im not answering this question because I enjoy a question for you.why is it so damn FUNNY? Is it cuz you dont have to walk through the agonizing pain and discomfort once a month??

I enjoy discharge but will i ever carry my term?

have you asked yourself why they are women?
they hold unique hormons that make it possible for them to own periods.

Whats the longest extent you enjoy experienced ever?


I suggest somethings wrong beside me.?

ask your health professor

Whats going on?


why do men have sperm?? why is it white and milky??


Im really stressed.?

..U must be a young at heart boy.
Go ask your mommy.

Herb vitex?

What effects within hormones if women are sexless for years?
6w2d pregnant, bleeding?
Please help out me..women single?
  • I dont know if i might be pregnant.. or how long ive be if i am..?
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