Period problem? Possible endometriosis?

I'm 14 and have had my interval almost a year. Well it's been regular, moderate to heavy. Well only just it's been getting really bad, the cramps are unspeakable and I almost threw up last month from the pain of it, but I took Midol and it go away. Well this month it's been horrible, it's my first day and already I've taken 3 Midol and it's still not gone, it's be really heavy since about 3 months ago and the torment is horrible and unbearable. I can barely do anything on my extent because it hurts so bad. Also, I've noticed for a moment bit more clotting this month. Like I went to the bathroom today and blood pretty much almost poured out of me, tmi sorry, but there's more blood this month already. My mom and grandma on the same side have endometriosis, is it possible I might have it too, this young?

Answers:    It most patently sounds like endometriosis. When I had my interval during my teen years, I was pretty regular, and ended up missing college during the first day or two of my awful periods. I get fed up, went to a doctor and have my first laparoscopy to diagnose and treat the endometriosis. It's not the most fun thing, but if it makes the stomach-ache stop for a while, it's worth it. Endometriosis doesn't care how old you are. If you're producing estrogen and have periods, you're a prime target. .
HI Hon! I hate to hear that you;re have these problems I had the same problems,it feel just like labor throbbing!! it could very well be endometriosis,it might sustain if you take hormones , between my 2 boys I was on hormones> birth control> No Pain> I have my tubes tied after the second one and all the pain returned contained by spades,I could barely for 2-3 days and eventually had a hysterectomy, NO PAIN, no period either! I am back on hormones but I consistency much better too, endometriosis is when the lining of your womb is expelled monthly to prepare for a pregnancy that;s what your period is,sometimes it will attach to other organs and and grow and make a mess of things actually, don;t be scared but ask your mom give or take a few hormone therapy.

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