Period issues...?

okay so im 14 and started for the first time in september last year. have it again in.. late december. later i had it early february or I don`t know i didnt i dont remeber it was a long time ago. but i havent had it since. im NOT pregnant.
so what does this connote?

Please come. Female just!?

you just started your period and its incredibly irregular. its very normal for childish girls to have irregular periods. You can travel to the doctor if you want and he will put you on birth control pills to regulate your periods. as you get elder, they should become more regular. nothing to be concerned about.

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FIRST, you should SERIOUSLY switch on some sort of journal or calendar practice for when you have your extent. It's really important to know when you are on it and when your are not and how it regulates. It's especially important next in life so attain into the practice of doing that now.

Second, as a 14 year old going through puberty, you run through so many hormone shifts, and so many change, that it might take a little while for your body to attain used to having periods, and bring into a steady cycle. Give it some time, talk to your mom about it, and if you are sure you are not pregnant be aware of what's going on beside your body and don't worry so much. Unless you do feel something's really wrong later seriously talk to your mom and try to get to a woman doctor (gynecologist) right away.

Good luck! Growing up is crazy sometimes but a blessing - you'll soon appreciate :)

Im freaking out! what is it?

Within the first few months if not years of a girl starting her period she will be really irregular. It will come on different days of the month and sometimes it may not even show up. Give yourself a year or so then you can ask a Dr.

I've missed to period and my breasts still hurt, I've done 2 test and both be glum,?

your body is just getting used to have a period so its going to be irregular for a while. for prob a couple years. but when u get rather older like a year it'll be more predictable afterwards what you have now

Pads or Tampons?

Help please Help!?
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