Period Help, is this average..?

I've had my period for almost three years, and ever since I first get it, it was heavy and last for about 7-8 days.(Well, I consider it heavy, but its single changing a[n ultra absorbency] tampon every four hours, with around a 2-3 quarter sized spot of blood on the pad underneath.) I get it every 29-35 days, and i other have very itchy cramps that last the whole seven days, sometimes one bad enough for me to get the impression like curling up in a orb.
I know cramps are normal, and some people do enjoy heavy periods, but im only checking to see if this is considered normal, or if its something i should see my doctor about.

[and I'm NOT going to use solitary pads, i did for the first six months, and changed it every few hours due to the fact it feel like being surrounded by a dirty diaper, and i experienced (a LOT of) leaking through my pants.]

How can I know if it's a miscarriage or basically my spell?

If your interval has been similar to this consistently for three years then its more than likely something you will own to live with. My menstrual cycle was resembling this too at one point but as soon as i gave birth to my son it changed to a lighter shorter period. A lot of things can exchange the flow and length of your period but i wouldn't worry just about this being normal i would verbs if it wasn't consistent.

Hey what does this aim?

I had i question kinda close to this but my problem was that i was getting my time every 2 weeks, it was heavy, and i have really bad cramps. i was told to use birth control pills. it sounds desperate but it helps with cramps irregular period and your period wont last as long

How doomed to failure does it hurt the first time you do it?

That be my cycle from age 11 to age 18. Very heavy, changed often, between period they were very irregular though.

Got on the pill, my period are very light and later only 2-3 days.

My Period??

I think everyone is different, so what is regular for me, might not be for you. Some people just enjoy heavy periods.

I know what help me was getting on birth control pills. My periods are desk light and short, and they used to be long and heavy, so you might want to look into that, if it's an option.

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