ok so i just got my length today (thursday) and i am supposed to be going on a hike that is a 9-10 hour walk that is on saturday. my period last 6 days. i was gonna put a tampon in on the ride up consequently put a pad on for the rest of the hike. next put another tampon in for the ride back. 2-3 hour drive. PLEASE HELP NOW! THANK YOU!!

Answers:    Your plan sounds fitting. Just bring a few extra tampons on your hike just within case. Put them in your pack if you're going to be carrying one. Also bring some plastic oodles you can wrap them up in so you can throw it away when you get spinal column to "civilization" if you have to change during the journey. "Pack it in, Pack it out!" It shouldn't be that big of a deal to adjust a tampon when you use the bathroom during the hike. And remember, you want to be comfortable on a long hike. Do what feel most comfortable for you.

Have fun!.
Well, is this hike that you are going on in a public park? If so, they should hold public restrooms that you can change your tampons in. You may not be comfortable wearing in recent times a pad on your hike and you may want to wear a tampon. I would suggest a super plus tampon if you are looking for complete coverage so that you do not bleed through, but use a wad as a back up.

You could always conversion your tampon in the woods (so not comfortable, I know, but I've done it) but your flow may not be as heavy if you are individual active (periods can be funny like that). Take babe-in-arms wipes with you if it comes to that. Usually the tampon manufacturer recommend that you don't wear a tampon for more than 8 to 10 hours so you could be okay (I've worn one for 10 hours before and I was okay).

Good luck, sweetie and own fun on your hike!.
just do that, don't hysterics, it'll work out, if your flow is heavy, you may want to change your wipe and tampon more, to disguise it, drink alot of water, and say you hold to pee, and no one will know, if you can't find a bathroom, then, ask for a map of bathrooms at the ranger station, and, if they're aren't any where on earth you are, then, either run surrounded by front of our group, or, run back to the nearest one, and, where dull pants, incase you leak. What is the ask?

If your asking if that's a good idea i would speak yes. Sounds like a good perception to me. You definitly shouldn't leave a tampon in for 9-10 hours. Its weak. Unless you will have time to stop and change it... afterwards i would do that because a pad might get humiliated on a long hike..
The time limit you should save a tampon in it about 7 hours. Maybe preserve one in for 2 hours (now that you've started your period will be pretty heavy) Keep on a pantiliner for extra protection! You don't want any leak. You plan sounds perfect, stick with it.

Any question you can contact me by persuasion93(a)
why don't you just get a diva cup instead. you can will it in for 12 hours. take it out, rinse, stick it rear legs in. Very simple and comfortable Yeah your plan sounds good :)
I intuitively would just wear tampons, there alot cleaner and easier to adaptation - but that's just my opinion/
But what is the question?
Have fun on your travel.
I'd say you should wear a comfortable pad or tampon for the saloon rides, but use a Playtex Sport tampon for the hike itself. for this thing dont u tampons u cant save tampons in for more than like 2 hours u can die approaching that pads are good for the ride up adapt twice during the hick and than change before going put a bet on home .
hey sounds like a great plan
If you wanted you could lately keep with tampons the entire process and a pad as well for extra coverage
Have fun on your trail!.
your plan sound really great but make sure you own lots and lots of tampons and pads because if you run it makes your time worse you know what i mean right?? hope this helps!! I know they put on the market special tampons for activities like running workin out and other involved things...
I would use that
that sounds good, but tampons are more comfortable so you sohuld wear one of those on your hike You should be fine. .
what the cross-examine.

just wear a tampon the whole time and lately change it once every few hours.
That's Fine
Its Only A Day
don't Worry
So... What is your question? Sounds resembling you have a plan... Your plan sounds good.
me so confused sounds appropriate to me, but u didnt really ask a question there.

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