Period cramps!i don't know why but when ever i start my term the first morning i enjoy excruciating cramps.

I sometimes also get really bad cranium aches and some time nausea. for me this is something normal but I’m merely wondering it's it isn't right. I know that it varies for different people but I’m wondering if I enjoy a problem. When I normally start i either miss college or I’m crying during the day. pain killer like Tylenol and ibuprofen Advil nothing help one bit. after the first day every thing is fine and I almost never enjoy cramps. i have a high tolerance for stomach-ache but this just kills me. Any direction?

Should I still see the gynocologist?

Have you ever try Midol? I heard from my friend that it works. She has BAD cramps adjectives the time

First time of year, fatty bleeding - 6 weeks postpartum?

I used to suffer terrible period distress that would make me miss school and work on the first few days especially. Painkillers be of little help. My mum was supportive and although I be only young (about 15 or 16) she took me to the doctor and get me put on the pill (Microgynon). I wasn't sexually active at that time so it wasn't for contraception - just for the spell pains. And it worked wonderfully. The pill regulated my periods (before my periods come intermittedly every 5-6 weeks), reduced PMT (something else I suffered with), and best of all the period cramps stopped altogether. I used to dread my period but now I hardly make out as it doesn't affect my life one little bit. I would suggest you have a conversation beside your parent(s) about it if you feel you can collaborate to them and then afterwards (or if you don't feel you can consult to them), go and see a doctor for advice. The pill is not for everyone but it incontestably worked for me. Good luck whatever you decide.

I hold bleak cramps!?

Regardless of your age, please check out a site for endometriosis. I own it and it is so painful. I would get the
niggle around the time of my period. There are other symptoms but if I were you I would bargain to your doctor. I had
to have a partial hysterectomy to releive the dull pain. Also by the
way, pain is never mundane. So your smart to wonder about it.

Just have surgery!!?

that happens to me on the first daylight the really bad cramps, i always missed academy or work on the first day cause it be horrible, idk why but now days it hurts but i don't think its as doomed to failure. Idk i dont' remember my last period. I don't catch nausea, or really bad headaches i go and get little ones. If your really worried ask your mom if it happens to anyone else in the kinfolk or go see a doctor.

Period & A pool f??te?

um if they are really that bad later maybe u should go see a gyno.muh mom used to capture really bad cramps the first day she have her period...all duplicate symptoms u have.she went to the gyno and found out she have Endometrios (spelled WRONG)..look it might help you figure out whats going on..oh and not to upset u or anything but because she had it she had to hold a hysterectomy..(spelled WRONG) sorry.. i hope this helps...please see a gyno i dont want what happened to her for so long take place to u..GOOD LUCK

Going to the gynecologist.what are they going to do to me?

OMG that's how i felt a couple days before i get my first period! ugh cramps.. they suck. i couldn't even stand or walk straight short it hurting BADLY. i remember laying in bed hugging a pillow.
anyway, srry roughly speaking that.. that wasn't important xD
ok, well, i of late used Advil and it really helped me... don't know anything else. srry.

Pimples = Cancer?

Try some home-remedies to alleviate pain during period:

Can I be pregnant when the ending time I have sex be in the region of 6 months ago?

haha I don't have periods!! haha sorry, I hear midol helps though.

Lots of discharge? It's really aggravating, and any minister to would be appreciated!?

use a heating wad..
and take midol or pamprin.
or exceddrin plus or advil.
whatever floats ur boat.

umm.. hold a hot bath.
and when you feel dizzy put a soggy cloth on ur head.

I have need of a bit of reassurance re: planned hysterectomy-?

Well, it is natural to own cramps, as the lining of your uterus is being shed...Midol help, but not really better or worse than any other anti-inflammatory...

Your parents will probably not like this suggestion, but often birth control pills facilitate ease the cramps and usually produces a lighter period.

As a teen, I have an ovarian cyst that was pretty big and was approaching having a miscarriage, as far as pain and how things happen..(though I wasn't yet sexually active and have no idea that it was miscarriage-like at the time)...and the doctor said I HAD to be put on the pill.

My parents be cool with that...because I had a medical justification...but boy, I am sure they worried that I might just develop the "rabbit habit"...

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