What is my sister doing to her body she be eit only just apple and slim pill?

she been doing this for 2 month now

14 and still waiting...?

agree to her know that that is the worst way to grasp thin.

coz she is starving her self, her body will madness, not know when it will next get given some vivacity, so whatever she eats, her body will try and pile on adjectives the fat in it, for liveliness, making you fatter.

tell her if she wants to obtain thinner, just eat healthily, what she is doing sounds approaching shes a robot!

Pain during sex?

It sounds like your sister may be developing or already has an intake disorder.
Only eating apples will lead to starvation. This can have many effects, including deficiency of energy, hair falling out, dull skin, sores contained by the mouth and on the skin, lowered immune sytem, and difficulty concentrating. Her metabolism will start to slow down, so that when she starts eating normally, she will put on more immensity.
If she carries on, then she's also risking hormonal imbalance so her periods stop. This could leave her incompetent to ever have kids. She could also get osteoporosis because of the hormone imbalance and because she is not eating any calcium. Her digestive system could begin to shut down, and her body will start ingestion into her muscles and organs for energy. This means that her heart and brain will shrink. Her kidneys may start to go wrong, and ultimately she could die.
Obviously that is a worst-case scenario, but she is heading down a very hazardous path. Try to talk to her, flatter her to stop, or if she can't stop then persuade her to receive help. You might have to get hold of support from other family members or friends.

Why Haven't I gotten my interval?

ur sister have an eating disorder and tell her she is destructive her health and future fertility if she continues down this vastly dangerous path. Good Luck.

Sex for 1st time. afterwrds,&even 7 days following, my vagina hurts plentifully when i pee! touch close to im holdin pee contained by?


I put your foot within on 15 yr nephew and he be jacking rotten i look after meander out what should i do almost it?

she is starveing her body of central nutrients and her body will start to shut down through starvation

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seems like shes trying to loose cargo to me


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