Pain surrounded by stomach and nausea...
Answers: A very common diagnosis is ovarian cysts. If it's on the side, in some way on your stomach, it could very well be cysts. I speak from started out not too desperate...very sharp...but got worse, and I terminated up vomiting and unable to walk. Don't dally too long to get it checked up on.
Sharp pains usually indicate gas, and the sharp, stinging pains tend to move around your lower abdomen fairly than staying in one place (though possible).
The appendix is located in your lower right-hand side, on the inside of your hip. If it be appendicitis, and it was rupturing, then trust me, YOU'D KNOW IT. You would be writhing on the floor contained by unbearable pain.
It is probably tart reflux, indigestion, PMS, and/or gas pains.
... or pregnancy, .
Omg! i have this problem too! im 13 and i think it have to do with your diet. Try eating LOTS of veggies and fruits. dont skimp on the protein (meat and nuts) any. Try not to consume so much dairy or fats. trust me, it will help you alot! Also, take regular exercise, sunshine, and drink PLENTY of fluids! Well it could be one of these:
A cist on your cervix
Your Pregnant
You have a growth on your cervix or a problem in you abdomin
You own a problem with your small or large intestine
i suggest it's your appendix...go to the ER just surrounded by case it is, cause appendicitis, but for treated, can be deadly!