Ok so why did i miss my spell for 4 months?

i'm almost 15
fer sure not pregant ( i took the test)

i went off birth control surrounded by April and until today i had not had my interval (i went on birth control to stem an EXTREMLY heavy flow)

today i woke up near a very light flow

customarily i start out very heavy

i'm freshly wondering what could have caused me to miss my spell for 4 months and then the day after i took a pregnancy testing get my period

i haven't be overly stressed (i'm a naturally stressed out person so i ahve be very stressed but not more than usual)

what's up?

Answers:    Coming off BC can screw near your hormones for a while. Your body basically got used to the pills recitation it what to do and now that's not there anymore. It may transport a while for your body to adjust to being 'natural' again, meaning not on BC. And stress, even if your body is used to it, can throw rotten your cycle. Check out this website arvigomassage.com and maybe even show it to your mom too. This kind of work will sustain to regulate your body and keep you from having such sweet periods. Since having this work done, my period have been regular, headache free, and cramp free..
I'm a little confused about the situation, but I give attention to I understand. Your period could own come late because of the birth control that could have mixed up your hormones. You could own also had a miscarriage. Although that's scary, it would explain the indigestible flow. But it just could be irregularity as well, you're young-supposed to be somewhat off now and afterwards. But 4 months seems a bit long. You could consult a doctor- which you probably don't want to do. But it may be a good concept. Hope that helped!

-Sarah, 16 .
It's because you quit taking your birth control. That happens to everybody and be obliged it's only been 4 months (my sister hasn't have hers for a year since shes gotten off the shot) Well I guess that's a good entity too, she doesn't have to worry more or less it.

Since you have recently stopped taking the pill, your hormones are not perched right now. Just give it time. Well you're stern on your period now, so I wouldn't verbs.

My gyno said its normal to happen. That it usually take up to six months for your period to regulate again..
well the stress could own built up on your body from previous years,

you might not be taking in enough calcium, try drinking more milk, ingestion more yogurt, and maybe some more cheeses.

you might need more nutrition, get through lean meats and veggies.

but then again it could be completely instinctive, because assuming you haven't had your period for incredibly long, its still creating a normal schedule, i go three months without a period, and i be completely fine..
i would go to see a doctor; myt best guess would simply be that since youre young and go on birth control pills, your body simply just needs to symmetry itself out; im 16 and i only get my time of year once every two and a half months or so, so again, you may just involve time to balance out. However, something may be wrong, so theres no harm contained by going to the doctor, just to be sure This is an extremely common episode in females who go stale of birth control pills. It may take a few months before your time of year develops a pattern again. If things aren't normal for you within a few months, please mention it to your physician..
It's the birth control. It gives you irregular periods and it's still doing that even though you stopped using it. It's because you be using for a while and your body became used to it. Now it's trying to get stern on its regular menstral cycle. How thin are you, sometimes if you are overly thin, or not ingestion well (to little, to much) it can cause your time of year to stop. If your body fat goes bellow a convinced percentage you have a good shot of it stopping. .
Birth control does unnatural things to your body chemistry. That's the most likely reason. Also, you're simply 15 so it's normal for you to be somewhat irregular. Do you have any environmental stressors? Pesticides, herbicides, mal-nutrition, contaminated food, medication, ..
its fine, its because your still growing , your period will still jump around or you'll miss it . same point happened to me for about 5 or 6 months! later you should go to the doctor cause the preganancy exam can be wrong sometimes

go to the DOCTOR NOW!!.
ok, take unproblematic, do a test yourself, or go to see a doctor getting stale birth control will take time for your body to get used to soo it will be bad for a while .
why did you go OFF your BC when you are only 15?

stir get a check up, and don't stop your BC. .
probably took time to control your cycle your cycle is messed up go and natter to your doctor.
you must be pragnet go see a doctor.
u got asym-pregnancy... necessarily ur body just had a kid...

fitting luck wit dat

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