OH MY gosh an ultra AND THE GYN.HELP!!
My doc call saying there is fluid within my pelvis and that the right ovary is slightly larger than the left ovary and that, that could be normal but of late to be safe i have to attain a pelvic ultra sound done.
Then she said i have to see a gyn after i attain pelvic ultra sound done.
I am a virgin, she knows this and she know i nvr been to a gyno or NEVER had a gyn exam contained by my life!! I'm 21 yrs old.
Soooo wat exactly is a pelvic ultra nouns do they just do that on ur stomach or is that where they stick this x-ray article down below???? I'm confused and really nervous bcuz i dunno wat type it is, i asked but she just said a pelvic ultra nouns. Does anyone know wat type it is and if thEy have experience???????????/Plz help i'm really not looking forward to any of these appts..
Answers: The US where on earth they put a wand like thing into your vagina is call Transvaginal.
There is an US pelvis where they just scan the top of your pelvic nouns..
A pelvic ultrasound is done using an instrument that sends sound waves through your pelvis. It is done from the outside by moving a small foot held instrument around on your belly... nothing stuck "up there." They'll put some lubricant on your belly so the instrument can a short time ago glide around.
You will be asked to drink LOTS of water formerly the procedure. The full bladder pushes the female organs up into the pelvis more which makes them easier to visualize.
I've have it and it's no big deal, although having someone push on your belly when you enjoy a full bladder is no picnic... LOL. But you'll do just fine..
Well, I've had a couple of different types of ultrasounds done, but neither be called a pelvic ultrasound. One was an abdominal ultrasound which is where on earth it's performed externally by the technician running a small wand over your abdominal area. A trans vaginal is where on earth the wand is inserted through your vaginal area. The trans vaginal will help draw from a better view of your female organs.
I be asked to drink about 32 oz of water beforehand each of the ultrasounds. It was somewhat humiliated since I needed to go to the bathroom.
If you have the trans vaginal ultrasound, it might be a touch uncomfortable, but it will mostly depend on the technician's procedure. Just relax and try to concentrate on something else, though.
Tell your doctor about your pelvic headache..always. Don't be embarrassed.
A pelvic ultrasound looks at:
The bladder, ovaries, uterus, cervix, and fallopian tubes of a woman. See a picture of womanly organs seen on pelvic ultrasound.
The bladder, prostate gland, and seminal vesicles of a man. See a picture of male organs see on pelvic ultrasound.
Organs and structures that are solid and uniform, like the uterus, ovaries, or prostate gland, or are fluid-filled, like the bladder, show up clearly on a pelvic ultrasound. Bones or air-filled organs, similar to the intestines, do not show up well on an ultrasound and may keep other organs from self seen clearly.
Transabdominal ultrasound. A small handheld device called a transducer is passed wager on and forth over the lower belly. A transabdominal ultrasound is commonly done in women to look for large uterine fibroids or other problems.
Please check out the website http://women.webmd.com/pelvic-ultrasound... I hold had both the Transabdominal ultrasound,Transvaginal ultrasound when I was pregnant and neither of those be too bad. Make sure when you see the gyn that you tell her any and adjectives problems that you have been have including all pain. It could possibly hide away you from more and more tests. You should never be embarrassed in the region of anything that goes on with your body (easier to say). I'm pretty sure that anything is going on, they have heard it back (have you seen some of the questions family ask on here?). They put the device inside to do the ultrasound, if she thinks you need it done, you should do it, to variety sure everything is okay. It doesn't take long. You are old ample to handle it, most girls have be to a gyn by the time they are 16 probably its just something we have to do. Its not pleasant but you'll bring back over it. ps hope you are okay.. I don't know why people are telling you they run it over your abdomin I've have it done in they go into your vagina. Ask your doctor because these ethnic group are confused. The radiologist had it right, the first answer.