Not sure what this for aid?

I've had yeast infections before, but this is different...I hold itching and burning around the outside area of my lips..there's no discharge, no itching from my cottage cheese stuff either..been married 20 yrs..and i know he's dependable..and i am too...any ideas?


Does anyone know how to attain thicker thighs (like beyonce) surrounded by smaller amount consequently a month?

Might be a bacterial infection. Or maybe an allergic repercussion have you tried new soap? Lubricate? Condoms? Best bet would be to procure it checked out.

People i realy involve serve and in haste?

I saw someone mentioned a bacterial infection and this may to TMI but when I was younger and didnt really know better I wiped bacl to front and get a bacterial infection. Also, this may seem crazy but you can have a hostile response to your husbands sperm. If you are worried it is something worse than an infection, like a disease, which I HATE to say, but I'd walk get checked just to brand name sure!! No one wants to do that, but its always best to lately go to the experts.
good luck!!

Ladies individual?

Swollen labia minora?
Woman examine!!?
Period support ?
  • Is here dampen inside breasts?
  • Masturbation.please answer!!?

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