No sign of spell, what do you believe?? PLEASE x?

my period was due yesterday or today, still no sign and no usual pre-period symptoms sore boobs or subsidise but have been extremely emotional.

I have be feeling nauseous for in good health over a week now, i took a first response test at 6.30am sit morning, which was negative.
What do culture think, could i still be pregnant? thank you x

What can i do to trademark my (menstrual) cramps stir away?? or prevent them sooner?? (girls merely please)?

Early pregnancy test could be false. Better repeat it after one week.
It is other useful to know some symptoms of the pregnancy which could appear in most cases (besides missed period):
1. Changes within you appetite,
2. Frequent urination,
3. Morning sickness (vomiting in the morning),
4. Tender breasts (sometimes painful breasts),
5. Increased vaginal discharges (sometimes),
6. Other unusual inner health like sleepiness, restlessness, irritability, etc.

Be Healthy and Happy!

Had sex 14th april time of year on 16th, experiencing nausea, sensetivity to smell & headache can i be pregnant?

if you took a question paper and you are as late as you are, dont worry. You are prob not preggers. OUr bodies as women adjustment a lot and our periods can adaptation whenever. Dont sweat it. I've had a time when my period merely skipped a whole month and I wasn't and am not preggers. You are fine if your test said distrustful, just to be sure, take another and consequently go from there.

Good luck*

Sex after miscarriage?

sweetheart as long as ur waiting and thinkin abt it as long as it will be delayed, trust me simply throw it out of ur mind and it will come the least time ur expecting it !
i was exactly close to u last month and it came behind time 10 days... all out of stress... hope i helped..

I'm so squeamish I avoid Smear Tests...?

You could be..but I would dawdle until you are at least a week late formerly trying to take a test. also, stress can obstruction your period and so can the change of season.

Shaving legs?

You could be pregnant.

It could be stress.

You are hardly late, administer it a good two weeks before worrying.

Painful boob 15 years antediluvian, relief!-*10 points*?

Birth control patch??
No time for 9 months nowbleeding for 3 weeks.?
Eating disorder?
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