Do any other woman hold a bicornuate uterus?

How much trouble have you had next to pregnancies. If any.

Answers:    So sorry for your loss dear. From my understanding, a blighted ovum is typically from a genetic abnormality, not structural. Typically a bicornate uterus would cause problems within the development later on surrounded by the pregnancy and result in a breached delivery or pre-term labor, not expected a blighted ovum early on, but it is tough to say near absolute certainty.

In a blighted ovum, the egg is fertilized, but no embryo develops due to a dearth of chromosomes. Lack of chromosomes being a genetic problem that occurs at the time of fertilization. While a structural abnormality may possibly enjoy some kind of effect on that, it seems doubtful, as blighted ovum occur early on in the first few weeks of pregnancy, while a bicornate uterus typically affects the latter stages.

Blighted ovum is very common, and I hope contained by your case it is unrelated to the issue with the structure of your uterus.

Stress slackening and a healthy diet and lifestyle should help. You can also try some visualization practices to make smaller stress around having another potential miscarriage. Spend your time imaging a healthy developing babe-in-arms and leave the rest in God's hand.

I found the following reference useful and hopeful for your situation, best of luck to you and god bless. .
Yes, it is slightly common. Unless you have have ultrasound or a c-section, most women never know. It is kind of heart shaped rather than triangle shaped. It have NOTHING to do with the vagina.
Effects can include less room for a toddler to turn and move as they are developing, but it should not affect getting pregnant. If a baby is breech, it may not turn over as easily and a c-section is possible.
All other animals own bicornuate uteri. Dogs, cats etc. that's how they have litters. Theirs are much more pronounced, with two "horns" of the uterus projecting up toward the fallopian tubes..
I believe your discussion about a uterus with a double channel. This condition is prone to miscarriage, however, many women have gone on to suffer children, as in the case of Nicole Kidman.

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