My time = Difficult break

How can i bring enough supplies to last me a week within callifornia? i can always buy stuff, but what about xtra clothes? any design?

Answers:    bring a pad/ tampon that's up 2 u that u comfortable w/ your private parts , choose any clothes that u comfortable for u and for your private area as well , do not enjoy light colors cuz it happeneds to me alot while i was wearing pink jeans while i have m period , it shows alot of my period it be alot of blood it was totally embrassing though no 1 didnt laugh something like i have to use my gym pants . so no pale colors while u have your period , engineer sure you wear a cotton underwear , like the color black any dark colors to be paid sure your period wont be messy alot , i used black or brown color underwear for my period as capably . if u have a bad cramps get hold of the medince just in overnight case , cuz i always have impossible cramps when i have my period ,s o you own to take it to make sure cramps dont carry worse , it depends if u dont get bad cramps or not , i hope i abet
baby girl
PS if you stay like a week or so (a) califriona create sure you would bring extra pads / tampon and extra clothes , just choose the clothes that your comfortable , if it's up 2 u explicitly good luck.
as long as you're a suitable age etc i'd go to the doctors and ask for the pill which delay your period, i've used it before when i be in motion on holiday, you take it for a short while before your term is due then you carry on until the wind up of your vacation.
much more enjoyable! lately bring the whole box of pads/tampons/liners. unless its like a box of 60. as for the clothes, a short time ago pack 9 outfits. you should always pack more than what you need anyway..
i assume you should just pack a whole box of everything ..cuz i go to camp for a week and i had my term and i used that stuff it should be all good Just bring an entire box of supplies. Clothes, it depends on how frequent clothes you already have. .
if ur pretty good on keeping urself from leak then don't worry nearly it. i would carry at least 3-5 pad in ur purse per day of late in case ur cumbersome during ur vacations don't want to chance it. GL wrong fragment, you should go to beauty and style, this is women vigour

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