My peroid comes for soon one weel later move about rotten. the subsequent week comes for 5 days what is wrong beside me ?


Last Sunday I be cleaning house and adjectives of a sudden I have this severe cramps within my abdomin and vagina nouns .?

Unfortunately you did not mention your age and menstrual cycle history. This situation can be in following cases:
1. may be you are still young and it is the nouns period and your cycle will be regular at 17-18. could be you misuse pills or other hormonal medication;
3. it could be a reaction to stress, turbulent situations, infections, etc.
4. it could be during first month of pregnancy.
5. it could be ovarian disfunction
Be Healthy and Happy!

Tampons soaked within Alcohol?

It is more than likely your diet or your fitness programme. If you are working out more than usual or not working out when you normally do that can throw bad your cycle. If you eat a bunch of crappy foods or you are not eating adequate that will do the same. Be consistent with your diet and drinking habits and I am sure it will improve.

Have you tatooed your pregnancy bump or are you around to?

You don't speak how old you are, however periods may start to amend when your a bit older your body getting used to your cycle. However it may be contraception methods or you may suffer from PCOS the doctors will give you a blood check if you are unsure and will offer you advice. Hope this help good luck

Does coffee really stunt growth?

It's probably nothing serious, mine does that too but merely when I'm stressed.

Puberty Help ppl!?

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