My first time to enjoy sex,?
I'm not on birth control, but he wore a condom. Which did not break and was put on before my underwear be taken off. So there's no chance I'm pregnant, right?
Yes, I'm a girl despite masculine icon.
I chew over I want breast implant?
if you get pregnant, i'd voice it's immaculate :)relax! :) you'll get more comfortable (but hopefully not too comfortable) near this stuff as you gain more experience.
Negative pregnancy try-out..but no interval?!?
YOU WILL BE FINE!Unless, you missed a period, in which shield a pregnancy test is an idea. If you bring back this paranoid over your first time, then going on the pill is advisable, but still use a condom - cleaner and makes ur probability of pregnancy like.. 0.0001% likely, compared to nearly 1% using only one method :) x
Difficulty ratification dampen after a laparoscopy?
ANY TIME YOU have sex you can attain preg. However, you used birth control however its not ever 100 percent. But I sincerely doubt your Preg.. You might want to consider another birth prevention option in conjunction next to the condom to ensure theres no error..Do i necessitate to switch my bc pill?
If you're sure the condom didn't break, and sure he wore a condom, you're not pregnant.You should be okay. If it didn't break you will be fine.
Bleeding After Amazing Sex Long Before Period?
sounds like you did every thing right so you should be ok(pre-)menopausal withdrawal of life.?
Burning Sensation contained by Vagina during Sex?
Would i grasp preg?
(very personal vagina question) Has anyone else experienced this and or no what it could be?