My daughter is ten years and surrounded by dignified academy.she weigh 43kg.her peers pull somebody`s leg her around her more or less her freight?

to me she is still my lovely baby girl.but i would want her to loose some on the big side and am trying to loose some counterbalance too.what do i do about my daughter slight problem.she is xtrmly intelligent [and sensitive].shoud i introduce her to weight watchers or slimming pills.i dont want her mate tocontinously tease her.

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Just make sure she drinks plenty water and that she cuts down on things with sugar. To me 43kg sounds ordinary for a 10 year old girl. She'll lose weight as she go through puberty. Diet pills are dangerous! They can give you heart attacks, seizure and they are loaded with caffeine any highly addictive. I don't infer weight watchers or anything like specifically needed. From my experience, the weight watchers food tastes close to crap. I don't know how anyone can eat it.

Kids will tease respectively other in school, it's a conventional part of life. She basically needs to stand up for herself and it will stop.

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Please! no diet pills, especially for a ten year old. There are closely of kids who are a little chunky at that age, and as they grow the weight falls bad. My son was always an overweight kid. When he hit his teens, he dropped adjectives the weight almost overnight. She is still young. Simple dietary change, and some exercise would be just fine. Keep her away from soft drinks, colas, and sweet cakes. Try to run an hour walk daily near her, and in no time the weight will start to drop past its sell-by date both of you.

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Losing weight with her is a tremendously good idea.But PLEASE dont provide her diet pills!
Making healthy food choices and exercising are the keys to consignment loss.Take her to the grocery store and let her help plan meal and snacks.The more involved you are,the better.
School mates can be cruel so she needs support and encouragement from home.

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Help please!?

If I keep hold of doing situps every other 15 mins how tons pounds could i loose?
How recurrently do you shift to the gym?
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