Menstrual cup won't step within?

I can't even get the tip of it to go contained by.Can anyone help with some philosophy?

Answers:    When you say not even the tip will go surrounded by, what do you mean exactly? What is happening when you are trying to insert it? What type of cup is it? – for example a Divacup or Lunette is profusely bigger and firmer than a Ladycup or a Mooncup, the difference may make all the difference.

First suggestion would be to re-check the instructions, I’m not imply you are an idiot who didn’t read them, but honestly it can help – my first time trying to insert a menstrual cup I had some problems but re-reading the instructions help.

If you are trying to insert it when not on your period then try waiting until you are on your term, or until you have a heavier flow, the menstrual blood gives more lubrication so it can be easier – again, I speak from personal experience from my first time using a menstrual cup.

On the subject of lubrication, try more lubrication such as KY jelly or simply simple olive oil is safe to use, the spare lubrication may help with insertion. Another model is to try inserting it in the bath or shower, you’ll be for a time more relaxed and the water will help beside lubrication too.

Masturbation is always the top tip for inserting internal menstrual options, when aroused your vaginal muscles will smoothly relax (if you are tense then your muscles will stiff up too making insertion difficult or even painful), your vagina also becomes longer/wider and lubricated when you are aroused. Take time out to masturbate yourself to orgasm, and then when you are comfortable, such as lay on your bed, try inserting the menstrual cup then.

Try different folding methods, there is a appropriate guide to some different methods of folding available on this page of the menstrual cup support community - some different folding methods may be easier for you to use or may make the cup a little smaller on insertion. Remember menstrual cups are not much bigger than tampons; this is regularly what gets new users as menstrual cups are a spanking new concept to them they get a little intimidated, but after a while it become very easy and approaching second nature to insert and remove them.

I would suggest looking at the menstrual cup support community in their memories bit they have a lot of entries for insertion, check out this page and this page

Whether you are a virgin or not make no difference what-so-ever, virgins have exactly the same biology as non-virgins, your vagina works equal way so that should not be a problem - you don't need to 'loosen' yourself up, your vagina is essentially stretchy, it does not get 'loose' or 'tight' as it always go back to the original shape. You may own an in-tact hymen (the thin layer of skin partly-covering the space to your vagina) - if you don't know if your hymen is in tact all you hold to do is look, it will look like a ring around your vagina if in tact, probable to look like 'tags' of skin if it is broken. If in tact it will more than probable break (this isn't always painful as society seem to think), or it may stretch..
hmm, are you a virgin? maybe you should try loosening yourself up beside a dildo or something KY Jelly.
Ooer. That's awful. You ladies will drink from anything! Are you a virgin? That might be why. .
tlk to your doctor i think you need to ask a doc really tbh... you cud a moment ago be small dwn there.. u may not be able to use thm

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