Maybe I overreacted reporting on child foul language on my mother? guidance?

maybe i overreacted by threatening to call social services on my mother. Im 16 i be throwing ketchup around in mcdonalds my mom saw it and fliped out on me. She called me a kid told me i needed a high chair and a bib and a diaper on. I needed to report her for abuse for saying those things to me but in a minute im having seconds thoughts. How oodles of you would agree with my mother or me in this situation?

Answers:    That is not child harm. Frankly, if you're 16 and still throwing ketchup, I'd say the exact same thing.

Grow up..
i reckon ur mum was just severely embarrased, saying all those things prob wasnt the right route of saying to stop it, but in her defense u really shouldnt hold been throwing it around especially if you are 16?? i dont think calling on child ill-treat was the right way to shift round the situation, saying sorry and telling her what she said be hurtful , wrong and embarrasing woulda been the way to dance. if she didnt listen to you at least you know that you made to effort to be civilized and grown-up (although throwing ketup wasnt) lol. but in all seriousness she prob be very embarrased and prob regrets having hurt you close to that That is not child abuse. If you'd called you'd probably hold gotten a ticking of for wasting time, and possibly McDs would have been approached to find out if they'd approaching you to go clean up the mess. Personally it'd be fitting if you be made to wear a diaper while cleaning it it. - GROW UP!.
first of all, why were you throwing ketchup? undoubtedly, your mother was right on calling you a baby. And second, you don't own a case for child abuse. Your mom call you immature, that IS NOT CHILD ABUSE. I think your mom should probably bring you to a shrink... Your 16 NOT 6 so stop acting resembling it and your mom wont yell at you.
That's like 100% stupid for wanting to report her to social services a short time ago for yelling at you cause you where on earth acting like a 6 year old and throwing ketchup within a public place..
I agree with your mum, and don't you think that Social Services enjoy got enough to do, beside poor funding and resources, without having to buy and sell with your tantrums ?

well, you did ask, lol.
Yes you did over take action... its alright as long as ur mother has not physically abused u... its not child abuse... and calling u a babe-in-arms does not make this mentally abuse... Im sixteen n even i agree beside your mum lmao how do you think thats child abuse! Ive have real child abuse n the social services did nil because i was 15 .
Throwing Ketchup at McDonalds is cool. Your mom was right. You be acting completely childish and she was embarrassed by your appointments.

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