
Is is something against the Bible? And also I need some info on it. Thnx

Answers:    The only mention of it within the Bible is the story of Onan. the guy whom God punished because he "spilled his seed on the ground".

Thing is, it wasn't masturbation that God didn't like: it be God's law and the custom of that place and time that if a man dies, his brother has to verbs the dead man's family splash by impregnating the widow if she's borne no children yet... Onan refuse to have sex with his motionless brother's wife and masturbated instead.

Onan's sin was refusing a social and religious necessity, and it had nothing to do near *how* he did that... he'd have been punished duplicate way if he'd just moved out of town to stay away from the widow.

(I started pretty tardy for a boy - in 1973 at age 13 - but that was more than a month after the first time I have sex.)

EDIT: isn't it interesting that I get thumbed down for speaking a truth that biblical scholars enjoy been saying for centuries?.
It depends on who you ask. Anyone can spin passage of the Bible to mean whatever they want, but to me, I would voice no, the Bible says nothing for or against masturbation.

Masturbation can start whenever you surface like it. There is no wrong or right age, many relatives start when they hit puberty, others feel that it is wrong and never do it. I can only share you that you have to do what makes you get the impression good. Life is too short to miss out on something that can be the most relaxing, stress relieving, and good emotion because someone once told me it was dirty. And how can you truly love yourself, if you don't know yourself? Also, masturbation is good practice for knowing what you do and don't close to in bed, for later contained by life, when you decide to be sexually influential. You can be more dominant in bed with your partner and you can brand name sure you get what you want out of sex, rather afterwards being worried about if you're doing it right or not. Masturbation can supply you confidence.

Your best bet is not to listen to what others have to say, but opt what you want. If you want to pleasure yourself, touch yourself, or use a sex toy in order to own an orgasm, then you should. .
According to the precepts of the Catholic church it can be a "serious sin" or it can be a "lesser sin". The criteria is if a personage masturbates while entertaining thoughts of an adulterous nature ( or fornicating nature) then it is a serious sin because of the scripture that say, "If you even have lust in your heart, etc". But if a character can masturbate as simply a tension/stress relief without accompanying unhygienic thoughts - then it is a "lesser sin" or possibly not even sinful at adjectives. The bottom line is what is in your heart/thoughts/desires. Edit/added - the location of the thoughts/desires is important because it's said that sin originates within the thoughts and desires so that if a person "mentally commits adultery/fornication" the intent to sin is there and the simply thing missing is the opportunity /other person. I agree beside Bathsheva, anything else I would say would only repeat her words.
Masturbation is not a sin though.
And as for what age I started. I suppose I was 10, and back after I had no idea what I be doing or if there was even a moniker for it. I think I thought that I had discovered this unbroken new thing that not a soul else had ever done before. I be wrong though =).
No! it's not against the bible! I'm christian and i started masturbating when i was 10 but i didn't even know it was call that.

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