Male Doc, or Female Doc for Pelvic Exams?

I have to go surrounded by for a Peliv Exam, and I really want a Female Doctor, but because of where i live, they are few and far between. Is it just a myth that females are more meek? Is it just as hard to own this done by a male as it is to have a feminine?

Answers:    I've gone to both and they are a little uncomfortable but not prickly... until I had one female dr. I literally thought I be going to get an injury from her. If it hurts just permit them know. I think male doctors are more compassionate because they don't know exactly how much is too much so they are more alert..
I think it all depends on the doctor. I own been to both male and womanly doctors for them but prefer females. I think it's just have hard no matter if it is a manly doctor or female. Just an FYI for you, going to a male doctor for a pelvic exam they do HAVE to enjoy a female nurse in the exam room during the entire exam. I believe it is statute that way it not only protects you as a lenient but protects the doctor as well.

Good luck!.
I don't like have female doctors. They tend to be rough with me as if they deduce they don't have to be gentle since they know their route around your body more. I think that male doctors are much gentler as if they don't nick your discomfort for granted. Besides, they're doctors, they've seen far worse. ive seen manly and ive seen depends on the dr really. some manly drs r really gentle and some females r more ruff. and then u enjoy the males that r ruff and the gentle females. however..i think that the males r more predictable to be gentle cuz they dont know what u r feeling while the females r going to know and since adjectives of our bodies are diff r going to assume that ur pain tolerance is high..
Yes, its a myth. Female doctors are plentifully more rough than male doctors- male doctors give the impression of being to empathize better with us girls. My manly gyno told me never to go to the female nurse practitioner within his office that performs pelvic exams, shes severely rough. I've always gone to men and had no problem. I've have a couple exams by women and one of the women was the harshest, roughest, most painful exam I've have..
It really all depends on their bedside manner. I have the most terrible pelvic exam and pap smear by my last doctor and she be a WOMAN! So it's a complete myth. ummm its just a little awkward to enjoy a guy do all those tests and be response around. I prefer a female

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