Loss Of Appetite?..?

Well like i bin goin through alot of "stressful" times and stuff over the last few weeks, close to i no how people say "its individual a dog", but my dog died and bin havin a tough time getin over it yanoe.. and arguin with my boyfriend and stuff... over stupid things like lighters :S

and close to i dont feel hungry.. i'm just not hungry at adjectives :| like last week i go like 2-3 days without eatin anythink.. similar to just because i wasnt hungry :S

and i was out shopin today and i saw someone that i different :) and she was goin rah rah rah.. "faye you lost weight" i was similar to :|:|, but like i duno i just dont discern hungry :|

anyone had this happen to them since?
any suggestions on what too do?

Muchh love <3

Answers:    awwww sorry times are stressful for you hun...
it's always hard to lose a friend, that includes a pet, they of late have such a way of creeping into our heart you know? don't let anyone make you touch as if you have no right to grieve by saying "it's a short time ago a dog" because that's rubbish...it takes time to heal and verbs, don't try to rush yourself...

sit your boyfriend down and talk things through with him, explain how you're fear and let him say how he's fancy and all that...it'll lift the consignment a bit i think just making your atmosphere known in a cool atmosphere...

this happens to me sometimes too when im stressed and upset, i don't feel hungry...merely try to sort out the stresses that you can right now and don't rush yourself through the things you can't...it'll help you to surface a bit better...

i know it's tough to make yourself eat when you own no appetite, but you really need to try, even if it's only a bit bit for breakfast, lunch and dinner...just try to eat for a time even if you don't feel like it...because surrounded by the long run you'll just feel worse if you don't get through anything...

good luck hun and i hope things work out ok :)

edit: i do agree next to the people above...if you try to eat but you still can't after you should see your GP...also try a tonic like they say, it'll relief you :).
Oh yeah, the exact same thing happened to me when I be in the exciting part of my relationship next to my bf. I just didn't feel hungry at adjectives, I think I lost about 7 pounds within 2 wks. But once I realized how little I'd been intake, I just forced myself to calm down, and guzzle a little bit at a time. Once I started eating more regularly, I get my appetite back.
By the way, sry in the order of your dog, that must be hard :( i was stressed, lost lots of solidity, was not eating and terminated up anaemic. i am on iron tablets for it. get a tonic or appetiser in the chemist. it will increase ur appetite. dont stop up like me. it was no fun. please.
if i be you i would go and see your GP you are still very upset and want help dont be shy he/she will understand speech to ur gp[dr].
its really bizarre reading this question... i have lately posted a question myself sayin that ive not eaten adjectives day and is the reason i perceive sick cos of it.
but yeah...i am really stressed lately too. I usually eat two large meal a day cos I love my food. but yesterday i didnt have much. and today i havent eat a thing.
i think stress really must nick over hunger sometimes.
I dont know if this suggestion is very useful, but tomorrow I am going out and i hold planned to get a mcdonalds for lunch cos i love it. so maybe you should bring some food you normally really love and it might make you grain hungrier.
That probably didnt help much, but hope you start eating properly again soon .
Im awfully sorry about your dog. I lost a dog a couple years ago and believe me...I cried for days and days & just stayed contained by my room constantly. It will take time. But your dog is in a better place :)
As for intake...thats really important. Food is like "fuel" for our bodies. When we dont own enough nutrients from food...our bodies dont function mentally, physically or even emotionally. When our bodies dont get the right amount of nutrients your immune system can be in motion down and your at more risk of getting sick, which no one likes! Try drinking a few snacks a day...even if your not hungry. Your energy will come right backbone and your emotional side will perk up I garuntee. I suggest go gain sometime like your favorite dessert to ease your greif. :) hope this help! Some people eat when they are stressed others lose their appetites. I totally infer about your dog. I have 4 cats one of whom is I am afraid getting a bit old. I am sure if anything happens to him my wife and I will walk in to mourning. he has be a family member for nearly 15 years.

When I be in practice one of my receptionists took a day stale when her cat died and my senior partner was fuming and just couldn't see it. I told her that If glory forbid one of my cats died I would need at least a couple of days rotten. And when I came back I would want to wear a black armband.

As compassionate beings we see the souls contained by our pets as well and mourn their loss.

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