Life and annihilation how do i bring back motivated?

I have pcos and I found out about a years ago... i didnt really deduce what it is and where it came from i be only dumb founded when they told me that i was not ovulating and this is why i dont hold my visit each month... they told me that it can motivation diabeties and obesity. well i am putting on solidity like crazy. and i know that i need to lose immensity i just dont get motivated to capture off my *** and do it... fortunate enough i hold a lil girl already and she is 7 so i am ok if i dont have more children i just dont want to be similar to the huge lady from whats eating gilbert grape... so what can i do to return with my self motivated to lose weight before it is to lated and i do receive so fat i cant walk (i am close to 200 lbs now and growning)

Answers:    I was just now diagnosed with PCOS. You are gaining solidity because you are insulin resistant. Not diabetic-almost the opposite. When you eat ANY amount of carbs, your body turns it into glucose. That is what your cell eat to live and to produce energy-which in turn give you energy. But there is a problem. With insulin resistance, your insulin attaches to the glucose and does not allow it to stir into your cells. Instead it is sent to your liver and turned to fat. I am going through this right presently. I was told I have PCOS and the individual way to completely get rid of it and the insulin problem is to lose weightiness. It will be harder for us to loose weight, but we can do it. Start eating VERY hearty. I suggest the Sought Beach Diet. You want VERY VERY low carbs, NO sugar, moderate fat is okay and moderate calories are okay.I highly recommend the South shoreline diet. They way it is designed is perfect for insulin resistant empire (PCOS). I also recommend talking to your doctor about going on birth control. It will serve regulate your periods and your hormones. I also want you to ask him about a medication call Metformin. It has helped family lose weight with insulin resistance and is VERY adjectives to be prescribed for PCOS patients. Also, start walking about 30 minutes a day. Everyday. It will be extraordinarily hard for the first few weeks, but you have to do this. Once you catch used to walking, then start jogging. Get as much cardio as you can. Please email me if you want to talk (erynn8302(a) I am at the same stage beside this as you are... I am trying to get motivated, but it is hard when you dont hold any energy to begin next to. I have started eating hearty and I go to the gym about 5 days a week... I am trying. My fiance is a huge support, and support help. I can be your support if you need it. I know what you are going through. It is scary, frustrating, and confusing adjectives at the same time. You are lucky to have a daughter... I dont hold any kids, but my fiance and I are getting married soon and will want to be trying soon after that. It is going to be rough...and he knows. He is my backbone through all this. Please find support. If you jump to your local YMCA, I got a membership for 30 $ a month and it comes next to a FREE personal trainer for 12 weeks!! Take advantage of every option, and please gossip to your Dr. about Metformin and birth control. Good luck to you. You are in my prayers. Email me if you necessitate to talk or have question about anything... maybe we can email once a month and settle to eachother about our struggles, weight loss, diets, and hardship through the whole thing. I hold gone from 140 to 250 in 3 years. Please dont let it get hold of that far. I had no idea my shipment gain was because of that I own over 100 lbs to lose I need to start NOW! Feel free to email me if you need warning or support... I am pulling for ya!!.
Oh bless, I really feel for you hun. I thought I had PCOS, but apparently not as the individual symptom I have are tiny ovarian cysts, but luckily manage to ovulate albeit irregularly. If you did want another child, you can nick prescribed tablets. My friend did that she didn't ovulate at all and then took these tablets from the doc and 6mths following, little Ruby was conceived(now born!)Anyway, it seems to be the counterweight bit that's the issue. Maybe you could do some activity with your little girl, swimming, playing orb outside etc and as for the diet, you unfortunately just have need of discipline. Don't finish your daughter's left overs, I don't even buy biscuits or crisps any more, just fruit and yoghurts. Allow yourself a treat daylight once a week so you can still have a take away or chocolate lump. You could also cut down your alcohol intake if you drink, grill food instead of fry and simply cut out snacks, it's not really a diet and I think even then you'd mind a difference. Try not to get too down about it, appropriate luck x

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