Late time again...?

i'm on birth control pill, and i started my pill break on the sunday, its wednesday today and i still havent started my period..

i have taken ALL pills, and not missed any/taken any unsettled etc.
however i have been lower than alot of stress lately, with family problems/college/work, and own only just started getting posterior on my feet, so is this what could have effect it?

i have been getting stomach pains/stomach cramps but still zilch..

also, should i start my next pack of pills when planned even if i dont start my period?

any answers would relieve =]

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I'm on the pill and often don't start my period until Wednesday or Thursday, but sometimes I start it by Saturday darkness!

Stress definitely affects your period, and it may come behind schedule, be very light, or even skip entirely. This is not a problem if it happen once - a period while on the pill is not a real interval, just shedding of endometrial lining within the uterus - but your next period may be heavier.

Start taking your pills again when you as a rule would, and don't worry about it unless it keep happening - good luck next to the stress!

I be...damp.later.?

it could be caused by stress. if you know that you could be pregnant it would not hurt to take a pregnancy exam too. the reason i know that stress can cause your time to not start is because i did not have my period for 5 and a partly months when i was in primary training for the army because we were in so much stress. All of us females go through it without having a interval. If no chance of being pregnant or tryout comes out negative try to relax and if you do not start it in a month later go see a doctor.

HELP?am i bout to start or what?

You should try Kapalabhati Pranayam (breathing exercise) adn you shoudl do it regularly as well.

I am 12 and a partly and I deliberate I started my extent?

stomach agony during period has be so bad times that have considered dr

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ur time of year just hasnt caught up even so...muh sis goes through this all the time.sometime when she is at the shutting down of her period pills she wont start until her last pill...and she purely continues taking u normally would..nought to worry about GOOD LUCK

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