I've missed my extent, but my pregnancy test say aloud glum. What's up, doc?
I have taken two pregnancy tests so far, both distrustful. I am going to take another one, just to be protected. I'm also going to talk with my father just about this tomorrow-- just leave out the sex fragment. I know the more I worry, the more stress I will get, and it may be put rotten even longer.
BTW, it was supposed to come on August 3rd.
The sides of my breasts are sore, but that's the only spot. (The sides closest to my arms. On both breasts, contained by the same spot.) Usually, when I'm going to get my interval, my entire breast hurts, horrible, for about a week before appendage, and all through my period. I own had random cramps, not extraordinarily bad, on and off. That's why I hang on to thinking it's going to come. But when I check, nothing!
Answers: Just wait it out...it might a short time ago be late. A fluctuation in your hormones can alter your time cycle so don't worry too much..
Your grandma's right.
I wouldn't tell you Dad basically yet... it's only be a few days.