It hurts when I pee.?

mostly when i start and finish. also i get these pains it's kinda of hard to explain but they are similar to right on my crotch but like on the inside like the bone or some entity any ideas? it's a sharp, stingy, scream clearly pain. any help would be awesome gratefulness!
im a girl by the way i dont know if that changes anything

Answers:    What you've described sounds approaching you have kidney stone, which hurts every time you use the restroom. The only method to have it removed is by going to the doctor/hospital, which you should do anyways since any kind of headache is NOT normal. My uncle had it and he get it removed using laser in the hospital. If you can't afford that treatment, don't worry because they should know how to get you on a payment plan or bringing up the rear the hospital bill, there should be a form you can fill out for system assistance (that was what my uncle did and he didn't pay a penny).

We aren't doctors, so we can't diagnose your condition.

Please see a doctor!.
Hmm. Sounds resembling you have UTI. Sweetie you should really go to doctors and win it checked out. Also, the pains at night, I have gotten those really impossible. I know what you mean. Try drinking lots of cranberry juice. You may also want to try have a midol or tylenol or something you use for when you get your period. Sounds funny but it might relief. But I really encourage you to see a doctor. In the meantime, drink lots of cranberry juice.

Hope I help! :].
maybe u had UTI. u better see the doctor so he or she can prescribe u the antibiotic. yeah, drink cranberry and hose down alot to help cleanse out the bacteria u have in ur bladder i think. btw, dont hold ur pee. when u requirement to go, just stir... if u know what i mean.. hope my answer can help u a bit :) catch well soon... Sounds like a Urinary Tract Inection, Cranberry liquid will help clear this up. If it doesn't seem to restore see a doctor..
sounds like a stone?

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