Do I own an ovarian cyst?

I have been getting pains when I'm ovulating. But not resembling cramps. i usually do get cramps but this has be a little more bothersome. Sometimes I feel similar to I can feel something in my lower abdomin. There's no course I'm pregnant. I started a new diet within days gone by new months and have lost just about 26 pounds and i don't have BM's as often so at first I thought I be constipated but the day I had the worst discomfort I went to the bathroom like 3 times that a sunshine and a lot each time. I know I should dance to the doctor and I will but I just wanna know if this sounds stupid or not. The pain isn't intolerable, it's just "not right." Just kinda uncomfortable. Am I paranoid?

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Sounds similar to it. I've had cysts and they are incredibly painful (it feel like someone is stabbing me in the lower vanished side, even though sometimes it's in the right side, it's mostly in my moved out side). Nothing seems to make them better. Go to your doctor and address to them...most of the time cysts are no big deal, they will burst on their own (which hurts like crazy) but sometimes they entail to be drained/removed with the help of a doctor. Best of luck to you.

Tuna sound out?

You might be fancy ovulating pains. Losing the 26 pounds and the other stuff you might want to get checked out. I would go see a doctor roughly it you are not paranoid and it is not a stupid question. The patient other knows best cause they know near body.

I in recent times measured my hips and they read 35. but i wear size 27-28?

you may have an ovarian cyst. I suggest you go draw from checked. It is better to be safe

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