Does have sex receive your hips wider?

i honestly think the answer is no but my best friend thinks it is. we be talking and she asked another of her friends and the girl said yes and looked at me like i be stupid. i take pride in my intelligence so i be pretty pissed lol but they're still convinced its true. so if anyone knows can you please tell me and conceivably give a reliable website that states weather its true or not. i'm really hoping to prove her wrong but if i am i'm willing to own up so any info will minister to just please make sure its accurate. please and appreciation.

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NO!!Having children makes your hips wider.

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So you mean that your hips are already WIDE... if to be precise correct then everything that give you pleasure may spawn it wider... such as ice creme...choklet...foods you love ...and good sex... SO within that sense you are correct... as pleasure usually comes with less hobby and let fat to build up... Butt if after sex you own exercise then you should be ok...

Did i achieve pregnant right back my time or after?

No, it's a VERY old myth.

Puberty make your hips get wider, and since some girls start having sex after puberty, some populace mistakenly think it's the sex that's doing it!

I haven't heard that one for ages! it's approaching from the 1940's.

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No having sex will not make you hips wider. As the time of birth draws in close proximity your pelvis starts to seperate and may make you hips look wider but they return to normal after transfer.

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Lol, I've never heard anything like this but I'm sure it's one of those things similar to "If you eat something sweet your period will be shorter, if you devour something sour your period will last longer"

I guess it would cause your hips bigger maybe because you strengthen your muscles? Or maybe because sex lead to pregnancy?

Who knows! =]

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