Is pee dark yellow of pregnancy symptoms or signs??
Answers: It could be a sign of several things including (but not limited to) dehydration, taking medication or vitamins, blood in the urine. Medication and vitamins can also turn the urine bright yellow. Your best bet is to check with your doctor. I doubt that you need to be too concerned about pregnancy, but your doctor will recommend a test if he/she feels it is necessary..
It just means that your urine is concentrated--like you didn't go for a couple of hours and may be can also turn dark yellow from certain medications...nothing to do with pregnancy. No. Even dehydration and after exercise make dark yellow pee.
no it means you need some liquid or you have a bladder infection. dehydration..
dehydration. like everyone else said, dehydrated..
its dehydration No, it's a sign of dehydration..
no, its a sign of dehydration its a sign of you need to drink more water