Is my mom okay or should I be worried?
I'm worried about my mom.When my mom was 15 she have a cyst in her breast but the doctor removed it.It was nil bad.My mom has be smoking for about 30 years and she gained profoundly of weight in former times 30 years too from the pills that she is on.But lately she lost 10 pounds for no reason.She takes walk a lot.Could this be cancer?The doctor hasn't diagnosed her.Is it?
Answers: 10 lbs is not a lot to lose, don't we adjectives wish that we could lose it. If mom has be kind of watching what she eats and walking abundantly that certainly could be the reason that she have lost 10 lbs. I say good for mom, very soon if we could just work on her about the smoking. .
If your mother is walking closely that could be why she is losing weight. If she has see a doctor and he hasn't diagnosed anything then she is fine.
She could also have diabetes which is treatable or hyperthyroid problems which is treatable.
Her losing 10 pounds doesnt own to be related to something could really be anything but i don't think you should worry. she could call in the doctor to check out everything, that would be the best advice i could give you, best of luck hon!!
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