Is it uncommon to have one breast bigger than the other?
Answers: Very common and very normal.
Mine were very uneven until I turned 32.
Actually alot of women have one breast bigger than the other- even up to one size. Its just as common as having one foot bigger than the other most people have it. Nothing to worry about. If you are concerned speak to your GP or investigate breast augmentation.
Info suggests its so normal that about 40% of women have different sized breasts. Depending on your age it could be things like change in pill, not yet developed. Again depending on age you must ensure you still have checkups etc regularly. .
it is perfectly common! most women are asymmetric in that (and other) area (just look at your eyes, ears, palms etc.). i'm not sure, but they say that breasts are unequal because the left one (usually the bigger one) is there to protect the heart (not likely) or because it is on the side of the hand that we don't use as often (unless you are left-handed, of course). no need to worry! No, not at all. It's called asymmetrical breast and most women have these. I had that problem, not really a problem though, Now, I have only one breast. Talk about being lopsided. I have to add humor for my own sanity. Mastectomies are nothing to sneeze at but it's better than dying from cancer..
no that's very common, and it usually isn't distinguishable to people other than yourself. Sometimes they are very disproportionate though and if it really bothers you you could always get an implants or implants to even them out. No, its uncommon to have two breasts which are the same size. Usually the larger breast will be on your dominant size of your body.. So if you are right handed your right breast will be larger..
nope most women have that. however if it is extremely noticable you can get surgery, kinda like lipo, for it. No, most girls have this (if it is a slight difference) - if there is a big difference in size you amy want to check for lumps etc.
No, it is very common ; usually a woman's left breast is larger.. yes.
apparently one breast is always larger than the other anyway.
according to my mother.
well.. the left is slightly lil bigger.
mine are of the same size but it is common. The left is usually slightly bigger. .
Breasts are usually asymmetrical. it is ok to have differnet size for another boob..everybody doesnt have equal sizes.
yeah... its totally normal dont worry should only be a slight difference anyway. it's common enough.
Don't think so, as long as it isn't by a huge amount. thats very common.
No its not, have a look at your feet and hands too That is normal...
WARNING - If you are lost in a dessert without visual reference points be careful. Due to the weight being on one side you will likely walk in circles. This could be why women are not good navigators???.
i dunno sorry