I am so worried!?

I am 16 soon and have been surrounded by a relationship for almost 2 years. He is also 16 soon, the month before me. Yes we have talk about having sex and enjoy decided it will jus happen when be ready. Problems:
1. Im realy scared! Im fairly shy and this may sound strange ut i dont know HOW to do it if you know what i meen.yes i know what it is!lol
2. Where do we do it? (please no stupid answers like outside anywhere!)
3. When do we do it because i live next to 6 other people and he lives with 3 and most of the time someone is within either of our houses...do u think its not realy appropriate when we both hold younger siblings and parents in the same house :S?
Please dont be cruel.. NO im not experienced near this things. Thanks in advance :D xox

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hiya I'm immediately 18 and a few years ago was in more or smaller quantity the same situation as you, and to an extent know exactly how you feel, the first piece I'll say is don't worry more or less it these things happen when they happen you'll find its more romantic that method planning it will just make it planned and boring. secondly you want your first time to be special so label sure your alone when you do and cannot be int erupted, this will make it extra special, if as i think you are within year 11 you will soon be finishing school for exam leave conceivably, if you can afford it go away before the rest of the college brake this will give you time to be alone and do it romantically.

remember this will be one of the most spacial times in your energy don't waste it on a quicky when others are in the house!! and remember DON'T WORRY roughly speaking it, spoils the enjoyment :P if ya cant be good be secure lol ;)

Hope I've helped!!

Just wondering.?

If you're even the least bit unsure in the region of having sex, then you should dawdle until you're 100% sure.

Where should be a special place...not just a place of convenience.

When should be (A) when you're ready and (B) when here is no chance of being interrupted. Which method you may have to wait until you're an fully fledged and on your own.
It IS very inappropriate to hold sex in your parents' home, especially when there's a possibility of being walk in on, and ESPECIALLY by younger sibs.

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When the time comes you will know..As far as "how to do it" things like that in recent times happen,I am sure your first time is going to be awkward,or a bit uncomfortable but you work out of the stage,it only takes time..Dont put so much pressure on yourself about "doing it",you will know when that times comes...With your first time you want it to be smaller quantity awkward and uncomfortable as possible,so I say somewhere private,minus all of your family present..You guys can numeral out a place when that time comes..

Period aid?


I think you should wait until you're 18, because it is going to be soooo much easier next. You can rent a motel room, or a nice Bed & Breakfast and it will be a romantic getaway that you will remember forever, not some stolen moment that you are going to regret.

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If you have to ask all these question, you really aren't ready for a sexual relationship. This is further demonstrated by the fact you haven't asked in the order of contraception. You will know instinctively what to do when the time is right and you're both ready.

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Well, first, you are not alone..almost everyone has duplicate question, including guys! So take some comfort surrounded by that.

As for being shy/scared that's OK and take it as the message you are not relatively ready for that big step. It's best to not just try intercourse as the first experiment. Take your time together beforehand experimenting - touching and adjectives the fun. Oral sex is a medium step before going full sex too (and fun). as for the how..economically frankly the 1st time is akward, and rarely the best, but you try, experiment and learn. I would recommend that when you wish to try it, that YOU are the one who is ready, meaning no pressure , and next make sure he takes it slow and respects you satisfactory if you decide to stop, that he stops. The how part, capably, probably you on your back and him on top...your legs open so he can win in position to penetrate. You have need of to make sure you are well lubricated/wet beforehand he tries to get in you! Once he is surrounded by you, he'll know his part (humping) and hoestly after that it's about sharing the moment and pleasing respectively other. It takes practice.

The where module - well some place private, where you hold plenty of time to be relaxed and not get interrupted! Being comfy and relaxed is key. Don't do it beside siblings/parents around. You'll just be rushed. Maybe found. Yikes! Cars are not the best. I'd try for a frfiends house when no family is home, a short time ago make sure they are not a talker! usually a gf's house :) If you borrow a bed, put a towel lower than your butt so the sheets stay dry!

Enjoy and be safe when you are ready. :)

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When the time is right, you will not be tense or anxious about it. You both should be very comfortable beside one another, and not be embarrased about anything. When you love one another trully, then it will be a great experience trying to digit it out together. You are smart for waitnig till you're ready. and you will know when you are ready surrounded by your heart. As for where, well adjectives I can tell you is that I waited until I have my own private roof over my head... I did not ever think of it at my parents home.

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Just gossip it through some more with your partner, the first time is always going to be a bit strange for the both of you. Just don't get the impression like you have to rush into things, thieve it slowly and it will happen when you both feel comfortable and geared up. It will most likely feel strange and strung out having other people surrounded by the house so try to find some alone time.
Also be prepared for it to hurt and feel a little mortified the first time and remember to use protection.

hope that helps xxx good luck xxx

Strange itching contained by vagina.no, not a yeast infection.?

If I be you I'd wait, just because you turn 16 doesn't stingy you have to have sex. Its putting alot of pressure on yourself and that's only going to make it an awkward experience. In answer to question one; you'll acquire into the swing of it, just go next to the flow. Whatever your comfortable with and to be honest it'll probably be painful so slow and assiduous is best.
Question 2 and 3, its hard to do it at home because you do feel guilty beside younger people and your parents around. That's why I think it mite be a polite idea for you to wait till conceivably you can stay somewhere away from home, or maybe your parents go on holiday and you stay at home.

Ultimately you'll be fine, Good Luck.

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You seem to be to be in a very season relationship, & seem to be wanting to take your virginity seriously.

1. It's almost approaching your first kiss, you think you won't know what to do. But it strangely comes naturally! Most girls don't do exceptionally much on their first time anyway, just lie nearby. So no problems anyway.

2 & 3-one of your bedrooms, would be the obvious answer. Try to find a time when nobody is home. Especially the younger ones, the parents aren't so bad. But the young-looking ones can appear un-expectidly.

Last but not least, be careful, use protection, relax & hold fun :)


Girls just??

I completely understand what your talking roughly speaking. I just want to offer for a moment advice from a big sister.
The best thing to do is hang about. At the very least until you KNOW you are near the guy that you will be with for the rest of your life. I know that sounds antiquated fashioned but i made the HUGE mistake of doing it prematurely and with the wrong guys *though I thought they were the right ones at the time*. That be the biggest mistake of my life. I regret it to this day. Im just this minute married and my past has cause problems in my marriage in a minute.
If your absolutely sure you love him and will be together for a while ALWAYS make him wear condoms. Though you can acquire hpv just from your genitals touching. I believe you are a very smart girl. And will breed the right decision. But one more theory is before you do go adjectives the way try rubbbing eachother with your hand. masterbating together. Its just as enjoyable *easier for girls to seize off that way* and way smaller quantity dangerous.
Take care:)

Hymen trouble?

1. Don't verbs about it [:
I was alarmed my first time too..
And I thought I wouldn't know what to do either
Just relax and it will come naturally [:
And your boyfriend will probably be afraid too, so it's okay.

2. Hah, well the best place would be a bedroom or something when no one is around;
That would be the most comfortable.
But if you don't enjoy a time when you're alone in a house together,
Just try to find a place where you won't capture interrupted.

3. Whenever you want..
If you can have a time when you won't get caught,
It would probably be more satisfying [:

Just don't worry about it..
Relax and hold fun [:
And be sure to use protection..
And be prepared for some pain the first couple times.


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