Is near any process i can bring on my time of year?

I should be getting it within the week i need a hurried way to get it inwardly the next two days, if there is such a item. thanks alot

Answers:    Not unless you go to the doctors and own a coil fitted.
Maybe if you fall in to a cold river, it will shock you satisfactory to start it? But I wouldn't recommend that - you might die.
So it looks like your stuck with waiting. If you want it to be finished up to that time you go away or something, next time run to your GP in advance, because nearby are tablets you can take that will delay your time etc. if ur that close to ur period, sex helps. seriously.

but if ur a pubescent or younger & not in a relationship & all that stuff im supposed to right to be heard, disregard this advise and just linger for it to come.
sorry, unless you have birth control pills, not gonna happen. if you are worried roughly speaking something, swimming etc... try tampons, you can do just about anything beside them. ha,ha ha, i'm not sure what works for you! but shock brings my period earlier and extreme happiness and any other extreme emotion!! i'm glad i'm not whomever you trying to avoid!! goodluck with this winter sport!.
Here are my steps:

1) Drink a very cold "Coke".
2) Drink a not so cold "Beer"

And if it still did not come.. Try my 3rd Step: Drink a slimming tea.

Its proven to be effective! .
I don't know of any approach that you can bring on your period unless you go to your doctor. MEDICATION, BUT IT REALLY ISNT A GEWD IDEA, JUST WAIT 4 MOTHER NATURE.
wtf u can't do anythings wit ur term ur silly There isn't.
exercise and sex!! jump up and down..
Why do you want it? lol why.....
no course there isnt hi ya nope theres no passageway u cud do it

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