Is near a possibility that i would return with pregnant if i have sex a few days after i finished my time?

I have all the regular symptoms that relate for me to receive my period i have cramps and my breast are kinda hurting at some point. i dont knw if i could be pregnant or not im not regular when it comes to my term. some times im early and at other times im late, however, i waas told by some friends that when u start to own sex ur period changes alot but i jst dnt knw ive be wondering all this month if its possible that i could b pregnant

Do reflect on a girl w/o pubic quill looks "undeveloped"?

Yes there is a possibility that you could acquire pregnant after your period. You could be having PMS. Your extent does not change when you have sex. I would recommend waiting until around the time of your subsequent period and then taking a HPT.

Ortho Evra Birth control patch and spotting?

If you own unprotected sex you always risk pregnancy, period. Do not rely on timing alone.

Birth control pills are cheap and work tremendously well. Go to a clinic, your doctor, or Planned Parenthood and ask for them.

Walmart sells them for $9. You may know how to get them for free from a clinic.

None of these pills protect you from STD's so always use condoms.

Question give or take a few uncharacteristic cell on cervix?

If you have unprotected sex, there is ALWAYS a chance you could be pregnant. Women ovulate at different times, so at hand is never really a "safe" time.
Always use protection or you run the risk of pregnancy.

Good luck!

Should I achieve Gardasil if I singular own one partner?

I always wonder why people find it so rock-hard to believe that when you have sex it is very possible to achieve pregnant. That's the way nature planned it.

I have unprotected sex the year after my interval March 13th. About 14 hours then I took Plan B.?

I presume it is 10 days after your period that you can get pregnant. Why not draw from a home test and know for sure.

Weird cravings - pregnant?

I haven't have my time contained by 4 months...?
Ways to ..?
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