Should I return with Gardasil if I solely own one partner?

My boyfriend and I are each other's first and only partner; I get a pap test every year and my test have always be normal. I once talked to an urgent prudence physician and he said I should get it even so, but my regular physician (and ob-gyn) said I'll be fine if I don't, so I'm not sure what I should do. The stats on HPV and cervical cancer are horrifying; all the potential side-effects of Gardasil are no picnic any, plus it's expensive. I have been on low-estrogen birth control for more than two years near no side effects, if that means anything. Advice? Thanks.

IMpOrTANt GUrL sTuFf!><>asap?

I see this type of thing every daylight. I'm terribly dissapointed in your regular physicians. over a lifetime here are no guarantees of fidelity, you may change partner someday or your partner might that time you will have next "touched" everyone the new partners own touched. the consequences of denial can be heartbreaking. the consequences of gardasil, very very useful

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Gardisil only protects against certain strains of HPV, so even beside it you can still get HPV. That is one of the downsides of having such a vaccine--some race mistakingly think they are safe and assume more inconsiderate behaviour. I would say to get hold of it, but still be careful (even with your boyfriend). Some those carry the HPV virus but do not know it and show no symptoms (many people). And when you go for a regular screening at your doctor they do not automatically tryout you for HPV- you have to specifically ask for it.

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I say take the Gardasil. As you said, the stats on HPV and Cervical CA are horrifying, so I think it is in your best interest to do EVERYTHING possible to backing yourself not become one of those statistics!!

Please remember, always use safer sex practices (even if you are your boyfriends only partner.even if he said he have never been with *must* assume otherwise). Condoms should other be used, even with other types of contraception (birth control, IUD, etc.).

I wish you the totally best. Good luck to you!

I do hope this has helped you.


My urine have be a bright wan similar to pickle liquid! basis for concern?

I hold been with my husband for 16 yrs and own 2 kids and my doctor said it would still be a good idea because what if I divorced or glory forbid he die and I start a new relationship. You never know what the future holds

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the hpv vaccine KILLS

About clinics?

i don't guess its worth getting because not all the side effects are known however.

Virginity sound out?girls simply?

idk i got gardasil tho!
im one less!:)

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yes u can never be too particular

SEX x!.?

It doesn't hurt. Remember HPV is a sexually transmitted disease, but it is everywhere and you don't necesarily have to have sex to acquire it. Cervical cancer is a very deadly disease and it affects so lots women. Do you wnat to be one of those women? I got the Gardasil shot and I had no side effects. The injection site did bruise, but it wasn't sore at adjectives. My sister said hers was itchy for a few hours after she got the shot but that it soon go away. Many people that I know have gotten it and own had little to no side effects. Just pay attention when you are asked if you are allergic to any of the ingredients.

Another wierd dream but GRLS ONLY PLZ?

Ok... I desire I could copy another answer I wrote, but here's my synopsis. There is no CAUSATIVE evidence that HPV and cervical cancer are linked. It's all correlative. Just that more relations that have HPV get cervical cancer than ones that don't. It's adjectives the in research that they never really released publicly. Honestly, I have have 2 partners and am going to marry the current one. I have no plans to carry the vaccine.

Also realize that there are WAY more than 4 HPV viruses... try over 130 of them. Anything from plantar wart to genital warts.

I think as long as you're out of danger, don't have more that your one partner and stay with him, own annual pap smears, you'll be fine.

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