In have need of of more opinion around possible pregnancy...

Okay...I just can't shake this feeling that I'm pregnant.

Background: I am a married, 24 year out-of-date woman and have been on hormonal birth control for 9 years. Prior to going on birth control within my teens I had a pretty regular cycle. Of course, since going on birth control I've been running resembling clockwork on a 28 day cycle. I have never once missed a term in my entire life, until presently. In the past year I have have three instances of spotting while on the HBC which I had never previously experienced. The last incident be just about a month or so ago, I ruminate.

I was supposed to begin my interval on July 30th and it never came. Not even a hint of it. Since I do run highly regularly I took a few pregnancy tests and even had one done (a urine test) at the doctor's bureau. They all came spinal column negative. I decided to linger a bit longer. In the past couple of days I've been experiencing sharp, shooting pains sour and on in my breasts and they have become totally tender to the touch. I've also been bloated and have have a prominent stomach bulge from it even though my stomach is normally very flat. I've be experiencing nausea in the mornings, in the vehicle, and after eating. I also have developed some food aversions, although not to anything specific.

Questions: Since I have been spotting, could that have be a sign that I was no longer responding well to the birth control? Are these symptoms plenty for me to get in contact next to my doctor and ask for a blood test? How likely do you conjecture it is that I am pregnant, based on this information? Thanks!

Answers:    You should contact your doctor since you are either pregnant or your birth control is no longer working all right for you..
All of the symptoms you describe are common side effects of birth control hormones and are probably nothing to verbs about. Remember the hormones are "tricking" your body into thinking you're pregnant.

I'd behave as though you are pregnant (no alcohol, etc.) and wait a couple of weeks. If symptoms carry on, then a check with the doctor would be within order. .
I would stop your birth control immediately only in case you are prego you won't do anymore make worse. I would go get a blood assessment your levels might be too low for a urine test to read it approaching most woman actually. I would definately go attain a blood test it's the only entity really!! to me it sounds like you are pregnant and i have be though it twice so i know those symptoms very well your best move could be to hold a blood test because in occasional cases some pregnant women will not have the pregnancy hormon show up in their urine.
You should contact your doctor since you could be any pregnant or your birth control is not longer working good for you.
talk to a doctor you may be pregnant or some other factor is messing up your cycle perfect luck.
dont worry.maybe it is simply a period thing
or I don`t know this is a sign of breast cancer.but either way newly go to the doctor whenever u get time.but i wouldnt be too concerned!

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