I'm solitary 18 could I enjoy endometriosis?

What is excaliy is endometriosis? Someone said I could have this. I had a yest infection and ever since that it feel like the pain hasn't gone away inside of me I grain sollwen and It hurts soo bad like a burning cramp when I have sex with my boyfriend of 4 years, I enjoy never had this happen up to that time, then right after sex for the next few days I'm adjectives sollwen and it bothers me and hurts like hell. I just made a doctors ap. to travel get checked out but I'm really scared and want some concept what it could be before I go.

Only females answer please, rather personal. Bit apprehensive roughly speaking asking this cross-examine.?

endometriosis is tissue from inside the uterus that have migrated out of the uterus and is now in the peritoneal cavity. it is particularly painful and comes after ones period usually. my wife have had it for years...this may not be your problem though, you are very astute to see your doctor.

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It is good you are going to the doctor to get this checked out. I could be endometriosis (an atypical condition where the endometrium growth goes crazed, often growing outside the uterus), but it is more likely cause by your birth control pills. Only the doctor can tell you for sure. Try eating yogurt to relief clear up the yeast infection, the friendly bacteria in yogurt can cure and prevent yeast infections. Good luck.

Big Question?

It doesn't nouns like endometriosis. Endometriosis happens when tissue from the uterus grows contained by the pelvic cavity and bleeds during menstruation, which causes pain. But between period it doesn't usually cause the burning pain you describe.

My guess is that your yeast infection be never completely resolved. Or you may have a bladder infection or a urinary tract infection. Those three possibilities would be more likely to produce a burning affliction.

If it's an infection it can be treated with medication and you should be fine in a couple of weeks.

Good luck!

Which laser?

I be diagnosed with endometriosis at 19..

Endometriosis is a condition in which the tissue that lines the inside of the uterus (called the endometrium or endometrial lining) is found growing contained by other areas outside of the uterus (commonly the ovaries, fallopian tubes, and nearby structures of the pelvis). This condition often cause severe pain within the lower belly and pelvis that may be associated with your periods respectively month.

It causes great pain near periods, it can cause anguish with sex.. I have be dealing with it for.. 13 years now but honestly... yours sounds approaching an STD or some sort of vaginitis.


Question please answer!!?

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