Im 15 and i expect i own missed my interval!!?

im 15 and i have never had sex. but this month any i missed my period or its really really late. im kinda startled about this because i have never missed a spell. i had beed getting cramps and pains like i be about to start. how come i missed my period? and is this something i should verbalize to my mom about? i dont really want to talk to her in the order of this kinda stuff im not that close to her. Please Help!!

Answers:    I'm 15 and my periods allllll over the place with rota. I can go up to 3 months without it. It's fine if you haven't have sex. If you have you could be pregnant. Tell your mom if you go more consequently three months without it and go to the doctor. As far as I know this is a awesome piece, girls would kill to miss it and not be pregnant..
I wouldn't worry too much in the order of it, especially if you are not sexually active. During the first few years of menstruation, it is completely normal to be extremely irregular. Some girls hold a period every month right from the start, but others may skip several months before have a period again. It is very everyday. Same here! Lately,I had been enjoy BAD cramps.My period was in arrears though,it should have came resembling about a week ago.And then during the week ,my cramps have been kicking me.And then wa lah..i hold my period lol.You should get your time of year anytime now,or your cycle is irregular..
Missed or Irregular Periods - Topic Overview
Most women have between 11 and 13 menstrual period each year. You may be different: You may own more or fewer. Missed or irregular periods must be looked at contained by terms of what is normal for you.

Periods are regularly irregular during the first few years after menstruation starts. It may take several years for the hormones that control menstruation to reach a harmonize.

If you've skipped a period, try to relax. Restoring your life to ardent and physical balance can help. Many women miss period now and then. Unless you are pregnant, probability are your cycle will return to normal next month.

DOCTOR recommended reading
Sexual Health Secrets You Need to Know

WebMD Feature

“I can’t convey you,” says Rebecca Amaru, MD, “the number of times women come into my office surrounded by tears because they’ve read or heard something about gynecology they expect applies to them – and it doesn’t.” Amaru is clinical instructor of obstetrics and gynecology at the Mount Sinai Medical Center in New York City. She tells WebMD that greatly of what you read about gynecology or about kindly for your V zone is either exaggerated or “just plain wrong.”

To help you sort certainty from rumor, WebMD asked some of the nation’s top experts about sexual health and V zone supervision — topics that many women are too embarrassed to ask their own doctor going on for. What they said, may surprise you.

Read more about sexual health secret you need to know

Related to PMS
endometriosis, birth control, thyroid disorders, exercise, NSAIDS, antidepressants, premenstrual dysphoric disorder , pelvic ultrasound

Menstrual periods also may be exceptionally irregular at the other end of the menstrual years. Many women realize that they are approaching perimenopause and menopause when their otherwise regular periods become irregular. Menopause occur when it has been 12 months since you own had a menstrual period.

Pregnancy is the most adjectives cause of a missed period. If you might be pregnant, treat yourself as if you are pregnant until you know for sure. Use a home pregnancy assessment as the first step to finding out whether you are pregnant.

If you are not pregnant, other causes of missed or irregular periods include:

Excessive bulk loss or gain. Although low body weight is a common grounds of missed or irregular periods, obesity also can create menstrual problems.
Eating disorders, such as anorexia or bulimia. For more information, see the topic Anorexia Nervosa or Bulimia Nervosa.
Increased exercise. Missed periods are common contained by endurance athletes.
Emotional stress.
Medicines such as hormonal birth control methods, which may cause lighter, smaller amount frequent, more frequent, or skipped periods or no periods at adjectives.
Hormone problems. This may cause a change surrounded by the levels of the hormones that the body needs to support menstruation.
Illegal drug use.
Problems next to the pelvic organs, such as imperforate hymen, polycystic ovary syndrome, or Asherman's syndrome.
Breast-feeding. Many women do not resume regular periods until they have completed breast-feeding.
Remember, you can still become pregnant even though you are not menstruating. Practice birth control if you do not preference to become pregnant.

Premature ovarian failure is when you stop menstruating before age 40. Surgery, chemotherapy, and radiation psychotherapy to the abdomen or pelvis may cause premature ovarian fiasco.

Other diseases such as irritable bowel syndrome, tuberculosis, liver disease, and diabetes can cause missed or irregular periods, although this is pink. However, if any of these diseases are present, you will usually have other symptoms besides menstrual irregularities.

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